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Subject: REQUEST/QUESTION about Wizard Loader
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Post at 2008-8-8 22:45  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
REQUEST/QUESTION about Wizard Loader

Is it possible to turn off CNPack Wizard Loader (and load, for example, all Experts), which is shown always on Delphi start?

If yes - please, tell me, how?
If no - this is my request
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2008-8-9 11:33  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Do you means the loader is a CnWizards function list to choose?

In our command line settings, If -swcn used in Delphi parameter, A CnWizards Startup window will be shown for debugging when IDE starting. It allows you to select wizards which need to be created. Pressing Shift in IDE starting can do the same thing.

Defaultly it should not appear when start Delphi normally. If always shown and no -swcn parameter specified, it should be a bug.
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UID 40759
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Post at 2008-8-12 20:43  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Oh. I found what's the problem.
I always hold down CTRL and SHIFT button when i start Delphi to see Delphi Developers photo (easter egg).
So, since SHIFT pressed, CnWizards Startup window shown
Info: (egg N5)

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