CnPack Forum

Do I have to register?
That depends on the board settings because administrators can change the settings so that you have to be registered to view posts. You also usually have to be registered to reply and start new posts but this does depend on the board settings. To register click here.

It is advised that you register so you can recieve emails from the administrator.

Do Discuz! use cookies?
Discuz! can use cookies to store your login information, last visit, and threads that you have read, but cookie is not required. Based on Discuz! session database, you can visit without any cookies. But we do that cookies can make it easier for you when you are browsing forums, eg. they can save your account info in a period and you do not have to type username and password to login.

If you logout, your cookies will be cleared. To prevent your account to be abuse, click here to logout when you are using a public computer.

How to use signature?
To add a signature to your posts you have to log into your profile and insert into the signature text box the signature you wish to use.

Discuz Code and HTML maybe turned off or on. This can effect what you can insert into your signature.

How to use my custom avatar?
Again in your profile there is a place for an "Avatar" and avatar is the image under your name. Check with your Admin about the size of your avatar, it"s usually considered common courtesy to use one under 150 pixels wide.

If I forgot my password, what should I do?
If you have forgotten your password, do not worry. Head over to the lost password section and fill in the form and your password will be emailed to you.

What is P.M.?
P.M. is short for private message. If you have forgotten your password, do not worry. Head over to the lost password section and fill in the form and your password will be emailed to you.It is a simple messaging client that you can use to send messages to fellow members on this board. You can check your P.M. inbox by P.M. or Member CP.

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