CnPack Forum

Can you please explain the Discuz! Code to me?
You can use BB Code, a simplified version of HTML, in your posts to create certain effects.

  1. [b]Bold Text Abc[/b]   would produce: Bold Text Abc (Bold Text)

  2. [i]Italicized Text Abc[/i]   would produce: Italicized Text Abc (Italicized Text)

  3. [u]Underlined Text Abc[/u]   would produce: Underlined Text Abc (Underlined Text)

  4. [color=red]Text Abc in Color Red[/color]   would produce: Text Abc in Color Red (Change Color of Text)

  5. [size=3]Text Abc in Size 3[/size]   would produce: Text Abc in Size 3 (Change Size of Text)

  6. [font=Tahoma]Text Abc of Tahoma[/font]   would produce: Text Abc of Tahoma (Change Font of Text)

  7. [align=Center]This is centered[/align]   would produce:
    This is centered
    (Centered Text)

  8. [url][/url]   would produce: (Hyperlink)

  9. [url=]Discuz! Board[/url]   would produce: Discuz! Board (Hyperlink)

  10. [email][/email]   would produce: (E-Mail Hyperlink)

  11. []Discuz! Technical Support[/email]   would produce: Discuz! Technical Support (E-Mail Hyperlink)

  12. [quote]Discuz! Board is a bulletin board system developed by Comsenz Inc.[/quote]   (Quoted Text, similar code [code][/code] for quote program codes)

  13. [hide]Hidden Text[/hide]   (Hide Text to Visitors Unless Replying this Thread)

  14. [hide=20]Hidden Text[/hide]   (Hidden Text According Visitor's Credits

  15. [list]
    [*]first bulleted item
    [*]second bulleted item
    [*]third bulleted item
    [/list]   (Lists)

  16. [qq]688888[/qq]   (Show online status of specified QQ UIN and chat with him/her simply by clicking the icon)

  17. Below codes are available only when [img] code is allowed

  18. [img][/img]   (Image)
    would produce:

  19. [img=88,31][/img]  (Resized Image)
    would produce:

  20. [swf][/swf]   (Shockwave-flash)

What are moderators?
Moderators oversee specific forums. They generally have the ability to edit and delete posts, move threads, and perform other manipulations. Becoming a moderator for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgeable in the subject of the forum they are moderating.

How can I have more permissions in CnPack Forum?
Discuz! set user permissions according to system status and credits. Credits are related to your posts number, how you are rated or both. You may have more permissions when you get more credits. As soon as you make a grade of credit, the system will give you more permission and Star(s). Therefor, higher credits not only show your seniority and liveness but also bring you more advanced permission than other users.

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