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Subject: Feature Request: Procedure List
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Post at 2005-11-16 01:40  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Feature Request: Procedure List


first i've to say: you all made a very good job! i can't work without your wizards.
But now my feature request: i've want a non-modal version of the procedure list-wizard, so that the wizard all time opened and i can fast jump to the required procedures. i changed the stable version for my necessaries (include a refresh-button to load the actual opened source-file, a timer to reload the source-file, a big memory-leak and a access-violation if you end delphi7 with opened procedure-list window ;-)) . with this changes i can't participate on further versions.

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Post at 2005-12-2 09:34  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
Thank you for your support!

The similar feature is in our plan. In future version, we'll add a procedure and a class combobox into editor (like visual c++). Please wait for our work.

Zhou JingYu
CnPack Administrator
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UID 1291
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Post at 2005-12-2 14:38  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thx for answer,

but a combobox is not really i want, i *love* the separate window, because i can see faster the function/procedure i want to go, i can better sort and faster scroll in a this window. (i've used two monitore, so i have enough space on my desktop)

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