Bug in MessageBox Visual designer and C++ Builder
The code generated by the MessageBox Visual designer for MessageDlg and C++ Builder is sometimes incorrect.
For example instead of
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, [mbOK], 0);
it should be
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);
The same for
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0);
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, [mbRetry, mbCancel], 0);
it should be
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbYes << mbNo, 0);
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbRetry << mbCancel, 0);
Tested with CnWizards_0.9.2.522 and BCB 6.0.
BTW, thank you for a great addon!
[ Last edited by pazvante at 2009-7-8 17:58 ]