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Subject: Float Toolbar in BDS 2006
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Post at 2006-9-13 16:55  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Float Toolbar in BDS 2006


i'm use your wizards in delphi 7. At moment i give a try to bds 2006. In the options for the the vcl-designer i'm disabled the option "use intern designer" and want to use the floating toolbar from the formdesigner-wizard, but this not longer exists?


Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2006-9-15 23:24  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
For the compatibility problem before, we disabled this float toolbar in BDS all the time, in spite of which designer mode.

But now, it seems it should work in NOT 'Embedded Designer' mode.
We'll try to do something to let it works.
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Post at 2006-9-16 03:35  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Don't foget some other usefull things: like the additional toolbar in the editor i'm missing in BDS 2006 many things, that make the life easier in delphi 7

i want bds because of live templates _and_ code folding in the editor!
btw: exists any change to add a shortcut for folding all code (the opposite of this command i found, but not folding all source) or shortcut for folding/unfolding the actual method?

Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2006-9-19 14:40  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
From 243 unstable version, CnWizards began to support Editor Toolbar and Float Toolbar.
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Post at 2006-9-19 14:57  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thx, you make a great job again!

I found a little bug: if the editor toolbar enabled and you change to the welcome-page an exception occurs
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2006-9-19 15:23  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Oh, I'll check this issue this night.
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2006-9-19 21:10  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
To hsg:

It seems I've fixed this problem in 244 unstable. Could you please help to download and verify it?
Rank: 1

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Post at 2006-9-20 17:16  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Difficult to say, i've work the half day with success, but suddently the error occurs again (i've change from a tab with sourcecode to a tab in design-mode).

After this, the error occurs alltimes change from a tab with source to a tab in design-mode. After restart the ide, all works fine.

Here the details of the error:
+ $10[20B962AE]{coreide100.bpl} EditorControl.EditorControl.TCustomEditControl.PointFromEdPos (Line 5457, "EditorControl.pas" + 6) + $10
+ $0[51F26B4B]{rtl100.bpl  } System.System.@HandleAnyException (Line 9980, "system.pas" + 13) + $0
+ $F7[778ACC23]{ntdll.dll   } RtlTraceDatabaseEnumerate + $F7
+ $9[77891BC1]{ntdll.dll   } KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $9
+ $11[20B8ED3D]{coreide100.bpl} EditorControl.EditorControl.TCustomEditControl.CheckAnchorPos (Line 1649, "EditorControl.pas" + 6) + $11
+ $4[20B98B70]{coreide100.bpl} EditorControl.EditorControl.TCustomEditControl.DoKeyDown (Line 6837, "EditorControl.pas" + 0) + $4
+ $6[5205CA19]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7246, "Controls.pas" + 105) + $6
+ $38776[073729DE]{CnWizards_D10.dll} INITWIZARD0001 + $38776
+ $6[5205C1A4]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7021, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
+ $0[51F60BC0]{rtl100.bpl  } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11572, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
+ $47B9[77E3158C]{USER32.dll  } GetTopWindow + $47B9
+ $65[77E2C198]{USER32.dll  } DefWindowProcW + $65
+ $CA[77E2B29C]{USER32.dll  } UpdateWindow + $CA
+ $10[77891BAC]{ntdll.dll   } KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $10
+ $14[52065526]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TMargins.SetControlBounds (Line 12546, "Controls.pas" + 12) + $14
+ $13[5205A9EA]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.ArrangeControl (Line 6181, "Controls.pas" + 78) + $13
+ $24[5205ACAA]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.DoPosition (Line 6226, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $24
+ $17[5205AE28]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.DoAlign (Line 6383, "Controls.pas" + 29) + $17
+ $3[5205AF3D]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.AlignControls (Line 6412, "Controls.pas" + 14) + $3
+ $A[5205AFFF]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.AlignControl (Line 6436, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $A
+ $8[5205644C]{vcl100.bpl  } Controls.Controls.TControl.RequestAlign (Line 3747, "Controls.pas" + 0) + $8
+ $E[5202DBA7]{vcl100.bpl  } ExtCtrls.ExtCtrls.TTimer.Timer (Line 2250, "ExtCtrls.pas" + 1) + $E
+ $0[51F60BC0]{rtl100.bpl  } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11572, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
+ $47B9[77E3158C]{USER32.dll  } GetTopWindow + $47B9
+ $664[77E31DC4]{USER32.dll  } GetWindowLongW + $664

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