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Subject: Source highlight Enhancements flickering, slowing IDE
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Post at 2011-4-8 17:00  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Source highlight Enhancements flickering, slowing IDE


I've just updated to Windows 7 and installed Delphi 7 with CnPack Ver: Build 2011.04.02
When source code unit is opened, source highlight feature is constantly repainting the window, cursor starts blinking very fast, and some flickering is observed, causing IDE to be slow responsive. My computer CPU has to cores and the first one is held to 20-30%
When source highlighter is disabled everything is working fine.

I've installed CnPack Ver: Build 2011.04.01 and it is working fine, no slowing described as above.

[ Last edited by  stoqnovst at 2011-4-8 17:20 ]

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