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Subject: Feature request
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Post at 2006-4-22 06:41  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Feature request

First I must say, WOW this is one great piece of addin !

Now request(s).
I'm on BDS2006, Pro using mainly C++ but my coworker uses Delphi.

- Source templates
  I would really like a macro that inserts the forms class name to allow me to
  quickly create functions like OnKeyPress that I want to be the same on many
  forms. And if possible add the declarartion of the function/method  to .h file.

- Procedure list
  Would it be possible to add a ADD METHOD function that allows me to
  add a method/procedure and get the function skeleton and entry in
  header file done automaticly for me ?

  Not sort the entrys but show them in the same order as in the editor.

  Would it be possible to remove the class prefix to the names ?
  That is show just LoadText instead of MainForm::LoadText
  Would be nice when looking a just one class/file.

  Remember all in project or current when i exit it and then Ctrl-D again.

- Unit list
  Could you add what is in the Form list to this for the files its possible to
  do it. It would be easier to navigate if these lists were combined.

- Project Extension Wizard
  Allow disable/enable a function here. Now all enabled or disabled.

A few request that I dont know if can be done but I ask.


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