我最近在使用 DelphiCodeToDoc,
其中 @param 的语法,CnPack 代码输入助手中暂时没有看到。
我希望有这样一项变量:%ParamList% ,生成的代码如下:
@param p1 (注:仅参数名称,不带数据类型)
@param p2
@param p3
Configure the User output and Debug output to inform about the status
The TDOCProject class is very separated from the external user interface.
But in order to inform about the state of the project, it needs to know where
to display informations. This could be a visual control, or a file or whatever
containing a TStrings reference to work.
@param dmUser Where User messages will be written
@param dmDebug Where Debug messages will be written
@return TRUE if succesfull, FALSE otherwise
@throws IExcept Unterminated string !!!
@see WriteMessage
function TDOCProject.SetMessages(const dmUser, dmDebug: TStrings): Boolean;