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Subject: How can I get back the combobox with list of procecures
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Post at 2012-5-29 23:15  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
How can I get back the combobox with list of procecures

CnPack - Delphi 7

I just noticed that the comboboxes with the list of procedures and functions which was visible at the top of the source area, are gone.

I searched for an option to get it back, but found no such option.

Can you tell me how to get this back, please ?


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Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2012-5-30 09:22  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Just press Ctrl+D to open "Procedure List" window in source area, and you can see there's a "gear" button in its toolbar. It controls the "procedure list toolbar" seen or not.
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Post at 2012-5-30 15:11  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 

Originally posted by <i>Passion</i> at 2012-5-30 02:22<br />
Just press Ctrl+D to open "Procedure List" window in source area, and you can see there's a "gear" button in its toolbar. It controls the "procedure list toolbar" seen or ...

<br />

Thanks very much Passion !

I should not have found this myself. And indeed, I now remember un-clicking this button last week  :-)

Keep up the good work. Your work really is appreciated !

Greetings from the other end of the globe (Belgium).


Programmer by choice and profession!

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