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Subject: Source Highlight Enhancements
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Post at 2013-3-23 22:03  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Source Highlight Enhancements

I have Delphi XE3 update 2 using CnPack Build 2012.12.21.
When i enabled Structure Lines and Highlight Keyword Structure, the lines and the keywords not matchs with source code in Delphi, like an attached image.
This occur because the font in my Delphi Editor is Courier New Baltic 10 and the used font in CnPack is Courier. If i change my Delphi Editor font to Courier, all will be ok, but i'm not want to change. I need change de font used in CnPack to math Structure Lines and Highlight Keyword Structure.
How change this?
Best regards,

Image Attachment: Imagem_CNPack.jpg (2013-3-23 22:03, 111.77 K)


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