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Subject: Source Highlight not work in ".inc" files
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Post at 2017-1-8 20:32  Profile | P.M. 
Source Highlight not work in ".inc" files

Source Highlight not work in ".inc" files
and please chek .dpk file. 'cos broke it build 869
when click build or clean, or click on option, chaged dpk file source like this:
requires -> rrequires
contains -> ontains
and. -> d.

I think unicode problem.
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2017-1-9 17:16  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Please tell me the Delphi Version which cause DPK corrupted?

Also some friends report this bug before but we can't reproduce. There's a clue shows it comes from the "Version Enhancement". Please disable the "Version Enhancement" in our setting dialog and try again to check whether this problem exists?
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2017-1-9 18:24  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
About the inc file, in fact, we try to parse inc file as Pascal source. So it should be highlighted as Pascal. But maybe inc file does not have full structure like a Pascal unit, there maybe exists some problem when parsing. If can, could you send me the inc file with problem?
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Post at 2017-1-9 23:02  Profile | P.M. 
Delphi berlin upd 2
I'll try letter that. My solution was remobe cnwizard then reinstall
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Post at 2017-1-9 23:10  Profile | P.M. 
for inc file, you rigth, My idea is it can be optional, can set shortcut, not automatic Highlighting. and I'm talk about pascal source. IDE "Enable Structural Highlighting" not work too.
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UID 40762
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Post at 2017-1-15 14:44  Profile | P.M. 

Originally posted by Passion at 2017-1-9 17:16
Please tell me the Delphi Version which cause DPK corrupted?

Also some friends report this bug before but we can't reproduce. There's a clue shows it comes from the "Version Enhancement". P ...

This solution fixed my problem. But need to close & reopen packages, after unchek "Version Enhancement".

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