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Subject: issue
Await Validating User

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Post at 2016-8-18 02:52  Profile | P.M. issue

I see with that an asterisk marks the changed files. But there seem to be two problems with that:
1. The Save All button is not enabled as it should be if there are multiple changed files.
2. I open after a pull from Mercurial and tabs are immediately marked as changed units. This is a negative feature.
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2016-8-18 09:39  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Could you tell me what version of Delphi you use?
Await Validating User

UID 67408
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Post at 2016-8-18 21:10  Profile | P.M. 
Yes, sorry!  I see this in D2007. I also use XE7, but have not noticed anything there so far.

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