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Subject: CNpack CodeFormatter
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Post at 2016-7-7 16:43  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
CNpack CodeFormatter

hello there, i found some things in code formatterem and i am asking you if there is chance to modify / repair this things.

1.) while i am modifing selected code by code formatter, tool is checking whole document and i am getting error,

2.) Formating of IF clausule

right now the basic formatting of if looks like this

         if something


is there any chance to configure the clausule formating like with the tab space?
          if something


thanks for the reply

[ Last edited by  msamek at 2016-7-7 16:44 ]
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2016-7-8 14:31  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thanks for your report. Bad news are, both we can not support now.

The old style string function grammar is rarely used, so no design for this.

Neither the additional options for begin..end.

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