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Subject: "Interface not supported" error
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Post at 2017-4-1 02:23  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
"Interface not supported" error

Constantly this window is displayed with an error in the process of work.
The interval is 5-10 seconds.
What advise to do?

[ Last edited by  ByMedion at 2017-4-1 02:25 ]

Image Attachment: Скриншот 2017-03-31 21.13.18.png (2017-4-1 02:23, 65.9 K)

Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2017-4-1 10:51  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thanks for your report. Could you download our latest nightly-build to try it again? We fixed a similar problem before, but not sure whether it is your problem.

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