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Subject: Editor selection button position and regions (D2005)
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Post at 2005-10-1 20:12  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Editor selection button position and regions (D2005)


first of all thanks very much for this wonderfull toolset.

When the selection button (that is shown on the gutter when something is selected in the editor) is shown, the position si not calculated correctly if regions in D2005 are collapsed.

When all regions in the editor are expanded, the position is orrect. Is it possible to find out if regions are expanded/collapsed using OTA in D2005?

I am currently using V143 of your experts.

Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2005-10-9 17:34  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thank you for your reporting. We'll fix the problem in next version.

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