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Subject: TabStop BitBtn, It's a Bug?
KADU (Kadu)
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Post at 2009-5-11 21:34  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
TabStop BitBtn, It's a Bug?

When the property TabStop is disable of component BitBtn, it is not respecting the property and to always focus on the component.


ESSystem - Automa??o Comercial.
55 19 3408 0161

[ Last edited by  KADU at 2009-5-11 23:13 ]
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2009-5-11 23:34  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
TabStop := False does not means can't be focused, it means whether can be focused when pressing Tab Keys on Form. I checked BitBtn and CnBitBtn, the tabstop property is OK for the above behavior. Could you make it more detailed about your problem?
KADU (Kadu)
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Post at 2009-5-12 00:12  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
but when I use TBitBtn it dont stop using Key Tab, when I convert from TBitBtn to TCNBitBtn, the focus begin focused on TCNBitBtn.

ESSystem - Automacao Comercial.
55 19 3408 0161

[ Last edited by  KADU at 2009-5-12 02:30 ]

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