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Subject: Suggestion, About Source editor Toolbar
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Post at 2016-6-7 00:21  Profile | P.M. 
Suggestion, About Source editor Toolbar

Is it possible add dock position select of source editor Toolbar,  left,top,bottom,right of source editor.
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2016-6-9 10:16  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Not easy. I can make the toolbar to be dragged out, but no way to let someone accept and dock it……
Rank: 4

UID 40762
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Registered 2008-8-10
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Post at 2016-6-9 17:18  Profile | P.M. 
"Not easy."  good news this option can add in cnWizard option example via radio button. 'cos rigth click open this settings form. Its not have to float bar. so no need drag & drop some where. Importand is, don loose line for code area ;)
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