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Subject: 悬浮的“修改组件名称”按钮失效!
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Post at 2007-3-28 22:31  Profile | Blog | P.M. 


CnPack IDE Wizards Bug Report

Bug Details:
  Can Recur with a Probability of 100%.
1. Run Delphi 7 from Start Menu.
2. A Blank Project Created.
3. Click the MainMenu...

  OS: Windows 5.2 (Build 3790: Service Pack 1)
  CnWizards: CnWizards_D7.dll Ver: Build 2007.03.19
  IDE: ideD71 CSS
  ComCtl32: 5.82.3790.1830
Wizards Installed:
  D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\EXPTDEMO.DLL = ExptDemo
  d:\Program Files\CnPack\CnWizards\CnWizards_D7.dll = CnWizards_D7
  D:\Program Files\Borland\DelForExp\DelForEx7.dll = DelForEx7
  C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DelphiSpeedUp\DelphiSpeedUp7.dll = DelphiSpeedUp
Packages Installed:
  Borland IDL2PAS wizard package = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\idl2paswizardpkg.bpl
  Borland Integrated Translation Environment = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclite70.bpl
  Internet Direct (Indy) for D7 Property and Component Editors = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclindy70.bpl
  Borland Internet Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclnet70.bpl
  Borland Standard Components = D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dclstd70.bpl
  Borland DataSnap Connection Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclmcn70.bpl
  Borland MyBase DataAccess Components = D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dclmid70.bpl
  Borland Database Components = D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dcldb70.bpl
  Borland SOAP Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclsoap70.bpl
  Borland Sample Imported ActiveX Controls = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclocx70.bpl
  Borland Sample Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclsmp70.bpl
  Borland dbExpress Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcldbx70.bpl
  Borland SimpleDataset Component (DBX) = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcldbxcds70.bpl
  Borland SQL Explorer UI Package = D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dbx70.bpl
  Borland InternetExpress Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclwbm70.bpl
  Internet Explorer Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclie70.bpl
  Borland WebSnap Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclwebsnap70.bpl
  Borland ADO DB Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclado70.bpl
  TeeChart Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcltee70.bpl
  Borland BDE DB Components = D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dclbde70.bpl
  Borland Decision Cube Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcldss70.bpl
  Borland Editor Script Enhancements = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclsmpedit70.bpl
  Borland Control Panel Applet Package = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\applet70.bpl
  Borland Editor Emacs Enhancements = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclemacsedit70.bpl
  Borland ActionBar Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclact70.bpl
  Borland Markup Language Wizards = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclmlwiz70.bpl
  Delphi 1.0 Compatibility Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dcl31w70.bpl
  Borland Interbase Event Alerter Component = C:\WINDOWS\system32\ibevnt70.bpl
  Shell Control Property and Component Editors = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclshlctrls70.bpl
  Microsoft Office XP Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\dclofficexp70.bpl
  Borland User Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\dclusr70.bpl
  (untitled) = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\SmartListViewD7.bpl
  EhLib 4.0 Components = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\DclEhLib70.bpl
  Express Cross Platform PageControl (VCL Edition) by Developer Express Inc. = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\dclcxPageControlVCLD7.bpl
  Borland Socket Components = D:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Bin\dclsockets70.bpl
  (untitled) = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\XPMenu2.bpl
  Borland Web Wizard Package = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Bin\DBWEBXPRT.BPL
  CnPack Components Designtime Package = d:\program files\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\dclCnPack_D7.bpl
IDE Packages Installed:
  DelphiSpeedUp = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\DelphiSpeedUp\DelphiSpeedUpLoader7.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\htmlide70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\stride70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\proide70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\delphipro70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\delphide70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\designdgm70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\delphient70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\delphiclxide70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\direct70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\delphivclide70.bpl
  (Untitled) = $(DELPHI)\Bin\MsgInfo70.bpl
CnPack IDE Wizards Enabled State:
  1 = CnMessageBoxWizard
  1 = CnComponentSelector
  1 = CnTabOrderWizard
  1 = CnBookmarkWizard
  1 = CnSrcTemplate
  1 = CnEditorWizard
  0 = CnMsdnWizard
  1 = CnPas2HtmlWizard
  1 = CnReplaceWizard
  1 = CnSourceDiffWizard
  1 = CnStatWizard
  0 = CnPrefixWizard
  1 = CnAlignSizeWizard
  1 = CnCorPropWizard
  1 = CnProjectExtWizard
  1 = CnCommentCropperWizard
  1 = CnRepositoryMenuWizard
  1 = CnExplorerWizard
  1 = CnFilesSnapshotWizard
  1 = CnProcListWizard
  1 = CnUsesCleaner
  1 = CnIdeEnhanceMenuWizard
  1 = CnIdeBRWizard
  0 = CnFastCodeWizard
  1 = CnSrcEditorEnhance
  1 = CnFormEnhanceWizard
  1 = CnPaletteEnhanceWizard
  1 = CnCpuWinEnhanceWizard
  1 = CnWinTopRoller
  1 = CnInputHelper
  1 = CnSourceHighlight
  1 = CnDUnitWizard
  1 = CnIniFilerWizard
  1 = CnMemProfWizard
  1 = CnScriptWizard
  1 = CnVerEnhanceWizard
CnPack IDE Wizards Created State:
  1 = TCnFastCodeWizard
  1 = TCnMessageBoxWizard
  1 = TCnComponentSelector
  1 = TCnTabOrderWizard
  0 = TCnBookmarkWizard
  1 = TCnSrcTemplate
  1 = TCnEditorWizard
  0 = TCnMsdnWizard
  1 = TCnPas2HtmlWizard
  1 = TCnReplaceWizard
  1 = TCnSourceDiffWizard
  0 = TCnStatWizard
  1 = TCnPrefixWizard
  1 = TCnSrcEditorEnhance
  1 = TCnFormEnhanceWizard
  1 = TCnAlignSizeWizard
  1 = TCnPaletteEnhanceWizard
  1 = TCnCorPropWizard
  1 = TCnProjectExtWizard
  1 = TCnCommentCropperWizard
  0 = TCnCpuWinEnhanceWizard
  0 = TCnRepositoryMenuWizard
  0 = TCnDUnitWizard
  0 = TCnIniFilerWizard
  0 = TCnMemProfWizard
  1 = TCnExplorerWizard
  1 = TCnFilesSnapshotWizard
  1 = TCnWinTopRoller
  1 = TCnInputHelper
  1 = TCnSourceHighlight
  1 = TCnProcListWizard
  1 = TCnUsesCleaner
  1 = TCnIdeEnhanceMenuWizard
  0 = TCnIdeBRWizard
  1 = TCnVerEnhanceWizard
  1 = TCnScriptWizard
  # Processors: 1
  Type: Intel 586 model 2 Stepping 7
  Speed: 1795.18 MHz
  Type 0: IBM enhanced (101- or 102-key) keyboard with OEM FKeys
  Layout: 中文 (简体) - 搜狗拼音输入法 () in kbdus.dll
Localization Info:
  Number of Digits: '2'
  Leading Zero: '0'
  List Separators: ','
  Grouping: '3;0'
  Decimal Separator: '.'
  Group Separator: ','
  Monetary Grouping: '3;0'
  Monetary Decimal Separator: '.'
  Monetary Group Separator: ','

[ 本帖最后由 xjw100 于 2007-3-28 22:36 编辑 ]

Image Attachment: Untitled.png (2007-3-28 22:31, 1.44 K)

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Post at 2007-3-29 15:49  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
0 = CnPrefixWizard

Zhou JingYu
CnPack Administrator
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Post at 2007-3-29 23:33  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
这样确实可以使用, 但我记得使用CnWizards V0.8.1.252的时候,也是禁用组件前缀专家,但是那个“修改组件名称”按钮还是可以使用的。(刚才我特地把新版本卸载了,重新安装V0.8.1.252版,已经证实禁用组件前缀专家,“修改组件名称”按钮还是可以使用)
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UID 1476
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Post at 2007-3-29 23:41  Profile | Blog | P.M. 

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