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Subject: Bug in MessageBox Visual designer and C++ Builder
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Post at 2009-7-8 17:56  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Bug in MessageBox Visual designer and C++ Builder

The code generated by the MessageBox Visual designer for MessageDlg and C++ Builder is sometimes incorrect.

For example instead of
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, [mbOK], 0);

it should be
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0);

The same for
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0);
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, [mbRetry, mbCancel], 0);

it should be
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbYes << mbNo, 0);
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbRetry << mbCancel, 0);

Tested with CnWizards_0.9.2.522 and BCB 6.0.

BTW, thank you for a great addon!

[ Last edited by  pazvante at 2009-7-8 17:58 ]
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2009-7-8 18:47  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thanks for your report. We'll correct this problem.
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2009-7-8 20:16  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Please try our latest nightly build It fixed this problem.

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UID 42771
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Post at 2009-7-8 21:40  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Thanks for the quick reply!
Tested build 525 and it works.
One note though.
There are some #defines in Dialogs:
mbYesNoCancelmbYes, mbNo, and mbCancel
mbYesNoAllCancelmbYes, mbYesToAll, mbNo, mbNoToAll, and mbCancel
mbOKCancelmbOK and mbCancel
mbAbortRetryIgnorembAbort, mbRetry, and mbIgnore
mbAbortIgnorembAbort, mbIgnore
that can be used instead (like the previous version did)
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbAbort << mbRetry << mbIgnore, 0);
MessageDlg("text", mtConfirmation, mbAbortRetryIgnore, 0);

The only messages that failed were the ones (3) mentioned by me in the 1st post. Everything else worked fine.

You can leave it like it is now or you can change to use TMsgDlgButtons() only where absolutely needed (like GExperts does).

[ Last edited by  pazvante at 2009-7-8 21:43 ]

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