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Subject: Keep Cursor Before End of Line Not Working in Sydney
iwancs (iwan)
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Post at 2020-10-2 17:34  Profile | Blog | P.M.  | Yahoo!
Keep Cursor Before End of Line Not Working in Sydney

Hi, i just notice that the  Keep Cursor Before End of Line feature which should set the cursor location to the end of the line not working in 10.4.1, actually it is working but unstable, when i click beyond eol the cursor briefly move to the end of the line, but than it get back to current click location. Is there any conflicting setting with the Delphi Editor Options? I've only enable CNPack Wizard only to make sure no other IDE Wizard is overriding the behavior

THank you
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2021-3-31 17:29  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
It  actually can not work in 10.4. We can only disable it...

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