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Subject: Delay problem in Code Input Helper
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Post at 2023-11-5 16:14  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Delay problem in Code Input Helper


There is a problem with popup delay in Code Input Helper.
I have set "Delay before Popup" option to 0.1s, but in fact it takes much longer in some cases.

For example, if you have a code like this:

procedure SomeProc;


and you start to type something between begin and end, then popup window will appear within about 0.5-1s.

But if you have a code like this:

procedure SomeProc;

and you start to type after a dot, then delay before popup window appears seems to be correct.

I'm using Delphi 11.3 and the latest CnWizards version, if it's important.

[ Last edited by  teslasystems at 2023-11-5 11:25 ]

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