Difficult to say, i've work the half day with success, but suddently the error occurs again (i've change from a tab with sourcecode to a tab in design-mode).
After this, the error occurs alltimes change from a tab with source to a tab in design-mode. After restart the ide, all works fine.
Here the details of the error:
+ $10[20B962AE]{coreide100.bpl} EditorControl.EditorControl.TCustomEditControl.PointFromEdPos (Line 5457, "EditorControl.pas" + 6) + $10
+ $0[51F26B4B]{rtl100.bpl } System.System.@HandleAnyException (Line 9980, "system.pas" + 13) + $0
+ $F7[778ACC23]{ntdll.dll } RtlTraceDatabaseEnumerate + $F7
+ $9[77891BC1]{ntdll.dll } KiUserExceptionDispatcher + $9
+ $11[20B8ED3D]{coreide100.bpl} EditorControl.EditorControl.TCustomEditControl.CheckAnchorPos (Line 1649, "EditorControl.pas" + 6) + $11
+ $4[20B98B70]{coreide100.bpl} EditorControl.EditorControl.TCustomEditControl.DoKeyDown (Line 6837, "EditorControl.pas" + 0) + $4
+ $6[5205CA19]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 7246, "Controls.pas" + 105) + $6
+ $38776[073729DE]{CnWizards_D10.dll} INITWIZARD0001 + $38776
+ $6[5205C1A4]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 7021, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
+ $0[51F60BC0]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11572, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
+ $47B9[77E3158C]{USER32.dll } GetTopWindow + $47B9
+ $65[77E2C198]{USER32.dll } DefWindowProcW + $65
+ $CA[77E2B29C]{USER32.dll } UpdateWindow + $CA
+ $10[77891BAC]{ntdll.dll } KiUserCallbackDispatcher + $10
+ $14[52065526]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TMargins.SetControlBounds (Line 12546, "Controls.pas" + 12) + $14
+ $13[5205A9EA]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.ArrangeControl (Line 6181, "Controls.pas" + 78) + $13
+ $24[5205ACAA]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.DoPosition (Line 6226, "Controls.pas" + 1) + $24
+ $17[5205AE28]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.DoAlign (Line 6383, "Controls.pas" + 29) + $17
+ $3[5205AF3D]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.AlignControls (Line 6412, "Controls.pas" + 14) + $3
+ $A[5205AFFF]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TWinControl.AlignControl (Line 6436, "Controls.pas" + 9) + $A
+ $8[5205644C]{vcl100.bpl } Controls.Controls.TControl.RequestAlign (Line 3747, "Controls.pas" + 0) + $8
+ $E[5202DBA7]{vcl100.bpl } ExtCtrls.ExtCtrls.TTimer.Timer (Line 2250, "ExtCtrls.pas" + 1) + $E
+ $0[51F60BC0]{rtl100.bpl } Classes.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 11572, "classes.pas" + 8) + $0
+ $47B9[77E3158C]{USER32.dll } GetTopWindow + $47B9
+ $664[77E31DC4]{USER32.dll } GetWindowLongW + $664