Sort change request
I would like to user the sort option to sort my declarations in a class, but grouping variables of the same type together.
So not : (sorted on firstname),
Breaks:array[1..3] of TBreakRecord;
fAnotherReportNameWasChoosen: boolean;
fFilterBestellingId: integer;
fFilterEnkelMetWaardes: boolean;
fFilterFamilie: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterGenre: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterRayon: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterStyle: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterTransFamille: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFooter: string;
fHeader: string;
fHtmlArtPerPage: integer;
fHtmlPage: Integer;
fImgFolder : string;
fPrintFooter: boolean;
Breaks:array[1..3] of TBreakRecord;
fAnotherReportNameWasChoosen: boolean;
fFilterEnkelMetWaardes: boolean;
fPrintFooter: boolean;
fFilterBestellingId: integer;
fHtmlArtPerPage: integer;
fHtmlPage: Integer;
fFilterFamilie: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterGenre: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterRayon: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterStyle: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFilterTransFamille: TcxCheckComboBox;
fFooter: string;
fHeader: string;
fImgFolder : string;
I separated the blocks to make it more clear what I mean.
Certainly, in form classes with a lot of different types of components, does this clarifies the code a lot.
Any chance of this being implemented in the future ?