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Subject: About Project Backup
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Post at 2005-10-24 18:42  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
About Project Backup


Could it be possible to add an option to Project Backup to automatically make the bacup filename to be like this:

For example :

It would make the backup job very easy and speedy.

Best regards,
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2005-10-26 11:45  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Yes. We've done. But only date, no time in filename. ;-)
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Post at 2005-11-3 02:15  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
About Project Backup

Great, it's perfect.

Thanks to all the wizards who are making this wizards.

Now there is date + time.

I needed the timestamp also, because i make many backups during the day.
So, i can allways go to an older revision if something goes wrong.

Just a moment, is it just me that something maybe goes wrong?

Well, i allways thougth that in programming, most of the time is debugging.
Maybe i'm wrong. (it should not be the first time)

Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2005-11-3 09:00  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
I also recommend that you use CVS or other version control system instead of frequent backup of projects.

If you don't have a server, you can use CVS local mode to store different versions, too.

Debugging costs much. But good programming helps debugging. ;-)
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Post at 2005-11-11 14:51  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
Want to recommend me a good CVS for one person, one computer, no server?
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Post at 2005-11-11 15:40  Profile | Site | Blog | P.M. 
You can try this:

Zhou JingYu
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Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2005-11-11 18:29  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Or WinCVS, too.

Now WinCVS 2.0 can install a CVS server named CVSNT on your computer to let your PC become a server.
If you don't like this, you can download WinCVS 1.2 stable version, and use the local CVSROOT for it.
iwancs (iwan)
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Post at 2005-11-14 11:42  Profile | Blog | P.M.  | Yahoo!
Another Request for backup project

I've upgrade CNPack to latest stable version version (164), and i've found the backup project as i requested in feature request thread.
When i tried, i still have some request (sorry if its bother you :-D)
Can you add function to parse code of the selected project and search for some key that will automatically include some files, so that i don't have to add files each time i make a backup.
I need to do this because i need to make a complete backup for all of my related files for the project, like database file, report file or sql script files.
As for information, i cannot use other tools like WINCVS or Starteam, because i need this backup to make sure that each client have the latest source and resource needed to run and redevelop.

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