Subject: [BUG Report] on Duplicate ctrl+alt+d and unicode char [Print This Page] Author:
delphichem Time: 2009-2-19 17:49 Subject: [BUG Report] on Duplicate ctrl+alt+d and unicode char
Dear Passion,
After selecting a block containing arabic char and click on diplicate or pressing ctrl+alt+d
the destination block is well but the source block loose unicode and the selection shifted.
this is the block that you can try
if Self.Tag = 0 then
MyShowMessage('Date Du obligatoire', 'w')
MyShowMessage('???? ' + GetCaption('', '_DU') + ' ??????', 'w');
delphichem Time: 2009-2-19 17:51
I see that the arabic char are replaced by '??????' in my first post, what can i do to poste the appropriate char?
(I have written on fast post)
Oh, it's a bug.
After checking, CnWizards missed a UTF8 conversion when processing this duplicating operation in BDS, and the text in Editor is UTF8 format.
We'll correct it in Delphi 2007 or 2006/2005.
But it's different in Delphi 2009. Maybe there're other problems in Dephi 2009 for this function.Author:
Passion Time: 2009-2-20 00:20