Subject: 【水】【原创】【额是新手】一个int9中断示例,带注释! [Print This Page]
dapro Time: 2009-1-2 18:48 Subject: 【水】【原创】【额是新手】一个int9中断示例,带注释!
assume cs:code
data segment
dw 0,0
data ends
stack segment
db 128 dup(0)
stack ends
code segment
mov ax,stack
mov ss,ax
mov sp,128
mov ax,data
mov ds,ax
mov ax,0
mov es,ax ;es save blackout vector
push es:[9*4] ;number 9 blackout push it into stack this value it point offset address IP
pop ds:[0] ;pop it into ds:[0]
push es:[9*4+2] ;number 9 blackout and this value is point segment address CS
pop ds:[2] ;pop it into ds:[2]
;this operate save current blackout of number 9's address into ds:[0] and ds:[2]
mov word ptr es:[9*4],offset int9 ;install new int9 blackout
mov es:[9*4+2],cs
;this operate set new blackout of number 9's address
;the address is: 0:9*4=IP 0:9*4+2=CS
mov ax,0B800H ;save display memory address
mov es,ax
mov ah,'a'
mov es:[160*12+40*2],ah ;display 'ah' at the middle of screen (character mode)
call cycle ;call cycle sub program
inc ah ; ah++
cmp ah,'z' ; compare 'ah' with 'z'
jna show ;if ah<=z jmp to show point
mov ax,0
mov es,ax
push ds:[0]
pop es:[9*4] ;set 0:9*4=ds:[0] same as 0:[9*4]=system int9's CS
push ds:[2]
pop es:[9*4+2] ;0:[9*4+2]=ds:[2] ds:[2]= system int9's IP
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
push ax
push dx
mov dx,1000h
mov ax,0
sub1: ;a large cycle 10000000h times
sub ax,1
sbb ax,0
cmp ax,0
jne sub1
cmp dx,0
jne sub1
pop dx
pop ax
ret ;return
;----------------- the followwing code is new int9 blackout--------------------
push ax
push bx
push es
in al,60h
pop bx
and bh,11111100B ;set IF,TF to zero
push bx
call dword ptr ds:[0] ;call current int9
cmp al,1 ;compare al->1 the ESC scanf code is 01
jne int9ret ;if al isn't equal with 01,jmp to int9ret
mov ax,0B800h
mov es,ax
inc byte ptr es:[160*12+40*2+1] ;add 1 to change text property
pop es
pop dx
pop ax
iret ;return int9 blackout
code ends
end start
softbug Time: 2009-2-12 21:44
dos下用的 int 9 屏幕显示中断 现在几乎没用
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