Subject: Custom DLL - not compiling! PLEASE HELP! [Print This Page] Author:
tid1 Time: 2017-11-24 05:22 Subject: Custom DLL - not compiling! PLEASE HELP!
Since several days I try to create a custom DLL for Cnpack because 90% of CnWizards I don't need.
After hours I archieved to compile CnCustBuild. But now I can do whatever I want... I can not compile CnWizards_D102T.dll !
Reason it says me:
first it can not find "csButton" in cnSrcEditorToolbar. To fix this I just added csButton = 'Button' const in this file.
But now the problem! It can not find TCnFlatToolbarConfigForm in cnwizards-master\Source\SrcEditorEnhance\CnSrcEditorToolBar.pas (TCnSrcEditorToolBarMgr.ConfigToolBar).
It can't find SetStyle, tbsEditor, ToolbarActions and ShowModal neither.
I use Delphi Tokyo ... just Delphi. No FMX and all this.
I checked our dependency. {$DEFINE CNWIZARDS_CNSRCEDITORENHANCE} seems must exists with {$DEFINE CNWIZARDS_CNFORMENHANCEWIZARD} for some duplicated features. Please uncomment both and compile again?