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Subject: Speed improvement for Units and Forms list
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Post at 2005-11-25 06:12  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Speed improvement for Units and Forms list

I have modified the ViewForms and ViewUnits formulars. They were a little bit too slow for about 300 files. First the content was filled twice and when you selected some items the dialogs became slower and slower because the statusbar/convert button update was execute for every single selected item.

Furthermore I added a faster FindFile() function to Utils/CnWizUtils.pas that improved the speed of these dialogs, too.

I have attached a patch against CVS (2005-11-24 23:00 GMT+0100)

Attachment: (2005-11-25 06:12, 4.37 K)
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Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2005-11-25 10:52  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Nice! We've applied this patch, and found the speed has some improvment now.
Nevertheless, in our testing, we found that some units' structure of Unit/Form list have some problems. We plan to refactor them these days.

Thank you for your patching.
Passion (LiuXiao)
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Post at 2005-12-1 22:51  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Now we've do some optimization about the units/forms List.
Would you please download our latest nightly version to test the performance of these list function? ... .9.175_Unstable.exe
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UID 1354
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Post at 2005-12-14 10:30  Profile | Blog | P.M. 
Sorry for the late answer.

The dialogs have a good performance now. Only if the Forms-List is opened the first time it takes some time until Windows has cached the files. But that is acceptable.

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