{*******************************************************} { } { Pascal Script Source File } { Run by RemObjects Pascal Script in CnWizards } { } { Generated by CnPack IDE Wizards } { } {*******************************************************} program FormEventDemo; uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ScriptEvent, TypInfo; // To use this demo, you must add it to script list and check // "smFormEditorNotify -> fetComponentCreated" item. var FormEvent: TCnScriptFormEditorNotify; Comp: TComponent; begin if (Event <> nil) and (Event.Mode = smFormEditorNotify) and (Event is TCnScriptFormEditorNotify) then begin FormEvent := TCnScriptFormEditorNotify(Event); if FormEvent.Component <> nil then begin Comp := FormEvent.Component; if Comp is TCustomMemo then begin if TCustomMemo(Comp).Lines.Text = Comp.Name then begin TCustomMemo(Comp).Lines.Clear; if Comp is TMemo then TMemo(Comp).ScrollBars := ssBoth; end; end else if Comp is TCustomEdit then begin if TCustomEdit(Comp).Text = Comp.Name then TCustomEdit(Comp).Text := ''; end else if Comp is TComboBox then begin if TComboBox(Comp).Text = Comp.Name then TComboBox(Comp).Text := ''; end else if Comp.ClassName = 'TADOConnection' then begin SetPropValue(Comp, 'LoginPrompt', False); SetPropValue(Comp, 'ConnectionString', ''); end; end; end; end.