CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » EAccessViolation in module rtl280.bpl

2022-3-31 23:21 Ludens
EAccessViolation in module rtl280.bpl

Delphi 11.1, CnWizards

Ten seconds after Delphi is closed, an error message appears:


What could be the matter?

2022-4-2 20:46 Passion
Oh, can't see any clues.:L

2022-4-2 22:29 Ludens
Maybe this screenshot will give some hint. The fact is that I have disabled all the packages that I don't need (in particular, all DB Aware things are disabled, all platforms except Win32 and all unnecessary component libraries).
I may have disabled something that is necessary for CnWizards to work correctly. Now I'm painfully looking for what exactly, but I haven't found it yet.

2022-4-3 08:51 Passion
Too long to do the research.

Could you provide a email? I can build a debug version to try to record some stacktraces in your IDE.

2022-4-3 14:18 freeman
[quote]Originally posted by [i]Ludens[/i] at 2022-4-2 22:29
Maybe this screenshot will give some hint. The fact is that I have disabled all the packages that I don't need (in particular, all DB Aware things are disabled, all platforms except Win32 and all unne ... [/quote]

I think this screenshot from "Distiller for Delphi 11" If I'm not wrong it is free, have link for this "Distiller"?
Thank you

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