2019-8-22 22:37
Jump to Previous / Next Identifier shortcut conflicts with Delphi
I do not know how to disable the internal IDE's reaction to Ctrl+Alt+Up/Ctrl+Alt+Down shortcuts, but it jumps me to the previous/next method instead of previous/next identifier!
When I go to Wisard's settings and change one of this shortcut to empty and back, they start work properly, by identifiers. But just till IDE restarting.
2023-8-18 02:39
Today at new installation of Delphi I have same issue
Does any know how to fix it?
In my other PC i have missed it somehow, but I do not remember how...
This is in Delphi 11.3 for now!
And now that trick with shortcut editing back and forth does not works!
[[i] Last edited by Nashev at 2023-8-30 23:41 [/i]]
2023-8-30 23:41
UPD: It was MMX Code Explorer.
Switch it off possible it MMX / Properties / Key bindings
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