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Subject: [Prefix Wizard] Edit Component's Name [Print This Page]

Author: SaCi    Time: 2011-1-28 20:11     Subject: [Prefix Wizard] Edit Component's Name

Hello every body, my first post here so hello at all.

The issue is that I modified an component prefix, but I'd like to remove it from list of automatic prefixing, the problem is that I can't find a place to do it any where.
When I open the Prefix Wizard setting the list below doesn't show the item.
It is the TStringField from TClientDataSet.
I already try to export my setting to check it will be there and it isn't.

Some one can help me? I need to find some place to remove it.

Author: Passion    Time: 2011-2-7 13:11

When a component is placed to form, a renaming dialog will popup to ask how to rename, here you can check the box "Ignore this Type of Component" to disable this type's automatic renaming.

If want to customize this disable list, you can open the prefix setting dialog. There's a list at the bottom. Unchecked item(s) will be ignored when placing to form.

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