{******************************************************************************} { CnPack For Delphi/C++Builder } { 中国人自己的开放源码第三方开发包 } { (C)Copyright 2001-2007 CnPack 开发组 } { ------------------------------------ } { } { 本开发包是开源的自由软件,您可以遵照 CnPack 的发布协议来修 } { 改和重新发布这一程序。 } { } { 发布这一开发包的目的是希望它有用,但没有任何担保。甚至没有 } { 适合特定目的而隐含的担保。更详细的情况请参阅 CnPack 发布协议。 } { } { 您应该已经和开发包一起收到一份 CnPack 发布协议的副本。如果 } { 还没有,可访问我们的网站: } { } { 网站地址:http://www.cnpack.org } { 电子邮件:master@cnpack.org } { } {******************************************************************************} unit CnDebug; {* |
* 软件名称:CnDebugger
* 单元名称:CnDebug 调试信息输出接口单元
* 单元作者:刘啸(passion@cnpack.org)
* 备    注:该单元定义并实现了 CnDebugger 输出信息的接口内容
*           部分内容引用了 overseer 的 udbg 单元内容
* 开发平台:PWin2000Pro + Delphi 7
* 兼容测试:PWin9X/2000/XP + Delphi 5/6/7 + C++Builder 5/6
* 本 地 化:该单元中的字符串均符合本地化处理方式
* 单元标识:$Id: CnDebug.pas,v 1.17 2007/04/05 02:29:45 liuxiao Exp $
* 修改记录:2007.01.05
*               增加 ALLDEBUG 条件,等同于 DEBUG 与 SUPPORT_EVALUATE。
*           2006.11.11
*               增加运行期查看对象 RTTI 信息的功能,需要定义 SUPPORT_EVALUATE。
*           2006.10.11
*               增加一消息类型,修改为全局对象。
*           2006.07.16
*               增加了三个消息统计属性。
*           2005.02.27
*               增加了类似于 Overseer 的 JclExcept 记录功能,需要安装 JCL 库。
*               如不安装 JCL 库,则需要从 JCL 库中复制以下文件来参与编译:
*           INC:crossplatform.inc, jcl.inc, jedi.inc, windowsonly.inc
*           PAS:Jcl8087, JclBase, JclConsole, JclDateTime,
*               JclDebug, JclFileUtils, JclHookExcept,
*               JclIniFiles, JclLogic, JclMath, JclPeImage,
*               JclRegistry, JclResources, JclSecurity, JclShell,
*               JclStrings, JclSynch, JclSysInfo, JclSysUtils,
*               JclTD32, JclWideStrings, JclWin32, Snmp;
*           并打开编译选项 Include TD32 debug Info 或生成 MapFile 以获得更多信息
*               (以 JCL 1.94 版为准)
*           2004.12.22 V1.0
*               创建单元,实现功能
} interface // 注释此行以便单独使用 // { $ I CnPack.inc} {$IFDEF NDEBUG} {$UNDEF DEBUG} {$UNDEF USE_JCL} {$UNDEF SUPPORT_EVALUATE} {$UNDEF ALLDEBUG} {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF ALLDEBUG} {$DEFINE DEBUG} {$DEFINE SUPPORT_EVALUATE} {$ENDIF} uses SysUtils, Classes, Windows, TypInfo, Graphics, Registry {$IFDEF USE_JCL} ,JclDebug, JclHookExcept {$ENDIF USE_JCL} ; const CnMaxTagLength = 8; // 不可改变 CnMaxMsgLength = 4096; CnDebugMagicLength = 8; CnDebugMapEnabled = $7F3D92E0; // 定义的一个 Magic 值表示 MapEnable SCnDebugPrefix = 'Global\'; SCnDebugMapName = SCnDebugPrefix + 'CnDebugMap'; SCnDebugQueueEventName = SCnDebugPrefix + 'CnDebugQueueEvent'; SCnDebugQueueMutexName = SCnDebugPrefix + 'CnDebugQueueMutex'; SCnDebugStartEventName = SCnDebugPrefix + 'CnDebugStartEvent'; SCnDebugFlushEventName = SCnDebugPrefix + 'CnDebugFlushEvent'; type // ===================== 以下结构定义需要和 Viewer 共享 ====================== // 输出的信息类型 TCnMsgType = (cmtInformation, cmtWarning, cmtError, cmtSeparator, cmtEnterProc, cmtLeaveProc, cmtTimeMarkStart, cmtTimeMarkStop, cmtMemoryDump, cmtException, cmtObject, cmtComponent, cmtCustom, cmtSystem); TCnMsgTypes = set of TCnMsgType; // 时间戳格式类型 TCnTimeStampType = (ttNone, ttDateTime, ttTickCount, ttCPUPeriod); {$NODEFINE TCnMsgAnnex} TCnMsgAnnex = packed record {* 放入数据区的每条信息的头描述结构 } Level: Integer; // 自定义 Level 数,供用户过滤用 Indent: Integer; // 缩进数目,由 Enter 和 Leave 控制 ProcessId: DWORD; // 调用者的进程 ID ThreadId: DWORD; // 调用者的线程 ID Tag: array[0..CnMaxTagLength - 1] of Char; // 自定义 Tag 值,供用户过滤用 MsgType: DWORD; // 消息类型 MsgCPInterval: DWORD; // 计时结束时的 CPU 周期数 TimeStampType: DWORD; // 消息输出的时间戳类型 case Integer of 1: (MsgDateTime: TDateTime); // 消息输出的时间戳值 DateTime 2: (MsgTickCount: DWORD); // 消息输出的时间戳值 TickCount 3: (MsgCPUPeriod: Int64); // 消息输出的时间戳值 CPU 周期 end; {$NODEFINE TCnMsgDesc} {$NODEFINE PCnMsgDesc} TCnMsgDesc = packed record {* 放入数据区的每条信息的描述结构,包括一信息头} Length: Integer; // 总长度,包括信息头 Annex: TCnMsgAnnex; // 一个信息头 Msg: array[0..CnMaxMsgLength - 1] of Char; // 需要记录的信息 end; PCnMsgDesc = ^TCnMsgDesc; {$NODEFINE TCnMapFilter} {$NODEFINE PCnMapFilter} TCnMapFilter = packed record {* 用内存映射文件传送数据时的内存区头中的过滤器格式} NeedRefresh: DWORD; // 非 0 时需要更新 Enabled: Integer; // 非 0 时表示使能 Level: Integer; // 限定的 Level Tag: array[0..CnMaxTagLength - 1] of Char; // 限定的 Tag case Integer of 0: (MsgTypes: TCnMsgTypes); // 限定的 MsgTypes 1: (DummyPlace: DWORD); end; PCnMapFilter = ^TCnMapFilter; {$NODEFINE TCnMapHeader} {$NODEFINE PCnMapHeader} TCnMapHeader = packed record {* 用内存映射文件传送数据时的内存区头格式} MagicName: array[0..CnDebugMagicLength - 1] of Char; // 'CNDEBUG' MapEnabled: DWORD; // 为一 CnDebugMapEnabled 时,表示区域可用 MapSize: DWORD; // 整个 Map 的大小,不包括尾保护区 DataOffset: Integer; // 数据区相对于头部的偏移量,目前定为 64 QueueFront: Integer; // 队列头指针,是相对于数据区的偏移量 QueueTail: Integer; // 队列尾指针,是相对于数据区的偏移量 Filter: TCnMapFilter; // Viewer 端设置的过滤器 end; PCnMapHeader = ^TCnMapHeader; // ===================== 以上结构定义需要和 Viewer 共享 ====================== TCnTimeDesc = packed record Tag: array[0..CnMaxTagLength - 1] of Char; PassCount: Integer; StartTime: Int64; AccuTime: Int64; end; PCnTimeDesc = ^TCnTimeDesc; TCnDebugFilter = class(TObject) {* 信息输出的过滤条件} private FLevel: Integer; FTag: string; FMsgTypes: TCnMsgTypes; FEnabled: Boolean; public property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; property MsgTypes: TCnMsgTypes read FMsgTypes write FMsgTypes; property Level: Integer read FLevel write FLevel; property Tag: string read FTag write FTag; end; TCnDebugChannel = class; TCnDebugger = class(TObject) private FActive: Boolean; FThrdIDList: TList; FIndentList: TList; FTimes: TList; FFilter: TCnDebugFilter; FChannel: TCnDebugChannel; FCSThrdId: TRTLCriticalSection; FAutoStart: Boolean; FViewerAutoStartCalled: Boolean; FIgnoreViewer: Boolean; FExceptFilter: TStringList; FExceptTracking: Boolean; FPostedMessageCount: Integer; FMessageCount: Integer; //Seekbirdy{+} FFileStream: TFileStream; function getFileName: TFileName; procedure setFileName(val: TFileName); //Seekbirdy{-} procedure CreateChannel; function GetActive: Boolean; procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); function PointToString(APoint: TPoint): string; function RectToString(ARect: TRect): string; function GetExceptTracking: Boolean; procedure SetExceptTracking(const Value: Boolean); function GetDiscardedMessageCount: Integer; function VirtualKeyToString(AKey: Word): string; protected function CheckEnabled: Boolean; {* 检测当前输出功能是否使能 } function CheckFiltered(const Tag: string; Level: Byte; AType: TCnMsgType): Boolean; {* 检测当前输出信息是否被允许输出,True 允许,False 允许 } // 处理 Indent function GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID: DWORD): Integer; function IncIndent(ThrdID: DWORD): Integer; function DecIndent(ThrdID: DWORD): Integer; // 处理计时 function IndexOfTime(const ATag: string): PCnTimeDesc; function AddTimeDesc(const ATag: string): PCnTimeDesc; // 统一处理 Format function FormatMsg(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const): string; procedure InternalOutputMsg(const AMsg: string; Size: Integer; const ATag: string; ALevel, AIndent: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType; ThreadID: DWORD; CPUPeriod: Int64); procedure InternalOutput(var Data; Size: Integer); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; procedure StartDebugViewer; // 利用 CPU 周期计时 == Start == procedure StartTimeMark(const ATag: Integer; const AMsg: string = ''); overload; procedure StopTimeMark(const ATag: Integer; const AMsg: string = ''); overload; {* 此两函数不使用局部字符串变量,误差相对较小,所以推荐使用} // 以下两函数由于使用了 Delphi 字符串,误差较大(几万左右个 CPU 周期) procedure StartTimeMark(const ATag: string; const AMsg: string = ''); overload; procedure StopTimeMark(const ATag: string; const AMsg: string = ''); overload; // 利用 CPU 周期计时 == End == // Log 系列输出函数 == Start == procedure LogMsg(const AMsg: string); procedure LogMsgWithTag(const AMsg: string; const ATag: string); procedure LogMsgWithLevel(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer); procedure LogMsgWithType(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType); procedure LogMsgWithTagLevel(const AMsg: string; const ATag: string; ALevel: Integer); procedure LogMsgWithLevelType(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType); procedure LogMsgWithTypeTag(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType; const ATag: string); procedure LogFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); procedure LogFmtWithTag(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; const ATag: string); procedure LogFmtWithLevel(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; ALevel: Integer); procedure LogFmtWithType(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; AType: TCnMsgType); procedure LogFull(const AMsg: string; const ATag: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType; CPUPeriod: Int64 = 0); procedure LogSeparator; procedure LogEnter(const AProcName: string; const ATag: string = ''); procedure LogLeave(const AProcName: string; const ATag: string = ''); // 额外辅助的输出函数 procedure LogMsgWarning(const AMsg: string); procedure LogMsgError(const AMsg: string); procedure LogErrorFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); procedure LogLastError; procedure LogAssigned(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogBoolean(Value: Boolean; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogColor(Color: TColor; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogFloat(Value: Extended; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogInteger(Value: Integer; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogChar(Value: Char; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogDateTime(Value: TDateTime; const AMsg: string = '' ); procedure LogDateTimeFmt(Value: TDateTime; const AFmt: string; const AMsg: string = '' ); procedure LogPointer(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogPoint(Point: TPoint; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogRect(Rect: TRect; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogStrings(Strings: TStrings; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure LogMemDump(AMem: Pointer; Size: Integer); procedure LogVirtualKey(AKey: Word); procedure LogVirtualKeyWithTag(AKey: Word; const ATag: string); procedure LogObject(AObject: TObject); procedure LogObjectWithTag(AObject: TObject; const ATag: string); procedure LogCollection(ACollection: TCollection); procedure LogCollectionWithTag(ACollection: TCollection; const ATag: string); procedure LogComponent(AComponent: TComponent); procedure LogComponentWithTag(AComponent: TComponent; const ATag: string); // Log 系列输出函数 == End == // Trace 系列输出函数 == Start == procedure TraceMsg(const AMsg: string); procedure TraceMsgWithTag(const AMsg: string; const ATag: string); procedure TraceMsgWithLevel(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer); procedure TraceMsgWithType(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType); procedure TraceMsgWithTagLevel(const AMsg: string; const ATag: string; ALevel: Integer); procedure TraceMsgWithLevelType(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType); procedure TraceMsgWithTypeTag(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType; const ATag: string); procedure TraceFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); procedure TraceFmtWithTag(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; const ATag: string); procedure TraceFmtWithLevel(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; ALevel: Integer); procedure TraceFmtWithType(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; AType: TCnMsgType); procedure TraceFull(const AMsg: string; const ATag: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType; CPUPeriod: Int64 = 0); procedure TraceSeparator; procedure TraceEnter(const AProcName: string; const ATag: string = ''); procedure TraceLeave(const AProcName: string; const ATag: string = ''); // 额外辅助的输出函数 procedure TraceMsgWarning(const AMsg: string); procedure TraceMsgError(const AMsg: string); procedure TraceErrorFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); procedure TraceLastError; procedure TraceAssigned(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceBoolean(Value: Boolean; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceColor(Color: TColor; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceFloat(Value: Extended; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceInteger(Value: Integer; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceChar(Value: Char; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceDateTime(Value: TDateTime; const AMsg: string = '' ); procedure TraceDateTimeFmt(Value: TDateTime; const AFmt: string; const AMsg: string = '' ); procedure TracePointer(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TracePoint(Point: TPoint; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceRect(Rect: TRect; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceStrings(Strings: TStrings; const AMsg: string = ''); procedure TraceMemDump(AMem: Pointer; Size: Integer); procedure TraceVirtualKey(AKey: Word); procedure TraceVirtualKeyWithTag(AKey: Word; const ATag: string); procedure TraceObject(AObject: TObject); procedure TraceObjectWithTag(AObject: TObject; const ATag: string); procedure TraceCollection(ACollection: TCollection); procedure TraceCollectionWithTag(ACollection: TCollection; const ATag: string); procedure TraceComponent(AComponent: TComponent); procedure TraceComponentWithTag(AComponent: TComponent; const ATag: string); // Trace 系列输出函数 == End == // 异常过滤函数 procedure AddFilterExceptClass(E: ExceptClass); overload; procedure RemoveFilterExceptClass(E: ExceptClass); overload; procedure AddFilterExceptClass(const EClassName: string); overload; procedure RemoveFilterExceptClass(const EClassName: string); overload; // 查看对象函数 procedure EvaluateObject(AObject: TObject); overload; procedure EvaluateObject(APointer: Pointer); overload; property Channel: TCnDebugChannel read FChannel; property Filter: TCnDebugFilter read FFilter; property Active: Boolean read GetActive write SetActive; property ExceptTracking: Boolean read GetExceptTracking write SetExceptTracking; property AutoStart: Boolean read FAutoStart write FAutoStart; //Seekbirdy{+} property FileName: TFileName read getFileName write setFileName; //Seekbirdy{-} // 输出消息统计 property MessageCount: Integer read FMessageCount; property PostedMessageCount: Integer read FPostedMessageCount; property DiscardedMessageCount: Integer read GetDiscardedMessageCount; end; TCnDebugChannel = class(TObject) {* 信息输出 Channel 的抽象类} private FAutoFlush: Boolean; FActive: Boolean; procedure SetAutoFlush(const Value: Boolean); protected procedure SetActive(const Value: Boolean); virtual; // 供子类重载以处理 Active 变化 function CheckReady: Boolean; virtual; // 检测是否准备好 procedure UpdateFlush; virtual; // AutoFlush 属性更新时供子类重载以进行处理 public constructor Create(IsAutoFlush: Boolean = True); virtual; // 构造函数,参数为是否自动送出并等待接收完成 procedure StartDebugViewer; virtual; // 启动 Debug Viewer 并等待其启动完成 function CheckFilterChanged: Boolean; virtual; // 检测过滤条件是否改变 procedure RefreshFilter(Filter: TCnDebugFilter); virtual; // 过滤条件改变时重新载入 procedure SendContent(var MsgDesc; Size: Integer); virtual; // 发送信息内容 property Active: Boolean read FActive write SetActive; // 是否激活 property AutoFlush: Boolean read FAutoFlush write SetAutoFlush; // 是否自动送出并等接收方接收 end; TCnDebugChannelClass = class of TCnDebugChannel; TCnMapFileChannel = class(TCnDebugChannel) {* 使用内存映射文件来传输数据的 Channel 实现类} private FMap: THandle; // 内存映射文件 Handle FQueueEvent: THandle; // 队列写成功事件 FQueueFlush: THandle; // 队列一元素被读完成事件 FMapSize: Integer; // 整个 Map 的大小 FQueueSize: Integer; // 数据区大小 FMapHeader: Pointer; // Map 区指针,也是头指针 FMsgBase: Pointer; // Map 的数据区指针 FFront: Integer; // 队列头指针,也是相对于数据区的偏移量 FTail: Integer; // 队列尾指针,也是相对于数据区的偏移量 function IsInitedFromHeader: Boolean; // 检测并载入头信息 procedure DestroyHandles; procedure LoadQueuePtr; procedure SaveQueuePtr(SaveFront: Boolean = False); protected function CheckReady: Boolean; override; procedure UpdateFlush; override; public constructor Create(IsAutoFlush: Boolean = True); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure StartDebugViewer; override; function CheckFilterChanged: Boolean; override; procedure RefreshFilter(Filter: TCnDebugFilter); override; procedure SendContent(var MsgDesc; Size: Integer); override; end; function CnDebugger: TCnDebugger; var CnDebugChannelClass: TCnDebugChannelClass = TCnMapFileChannel; // 当前 Channel 的 Class CnDebugMagicName: string = 'CNDEBUG'; CurrentLevel: Byte = 3; CurrentTag: string = ''; CurrentMsgType: TCnMsgType = cmtInformation; TimeStampType: TCnTimeStampType = ttDateTime; implementation {$IFDEF SUPPORT_EVALUATE} uses CnPropSheetFrm; {$ENDIF} const SCnCRLF = #13#10; SCnTimeMarkStarted = 'Start Time Mark. '; SCnTimeMarkStopped = 'Stop Time Mark. '; SCnEnterProc = 'Enter: '; SCnLeaveProc = 'Leave: '; SCnAssigned = 'Assigned: '; SCnUnAssigned = 'Unassigned: '; SCnDefAssignedMsg = 'a Pointer.'; SCnBooleanTrue = 'True: '; SCnBooleanFalse = 'False: '; SCnDefBooleanMsg = 'a Boolean Value.'; SCnColor = 'Color: '; SCnInteger = 'Integer: '; SCnCharFmt = 'Char: ''%s''(%d/$%2.2x)'; SCnDateTime = 'A Date/Time: '; SCnPointer = 'Pointer Address: '; SCnFloat = 'Float: '; SCnPoint = 'Point: '; SCnRect = 'Rect: '; SCnVirtualKeyFmt = 'VirtualKey: %d($%2.2x), %s'; SCnException = 'Exception:'; SCnNilComponent = 'Component is nil.'; SCnObjException = '*** Exception ***'; SCnUnknownError = 'Unknown Error! '; SCnLastErrorFmt = 'Last Error (Code: %d): %s'; CnDebugWaitingMutexTime = 1000; // Mutex 的等待时间顶多 1 秒 CnDebugStartingEventTime = 5000; // 启动 Viewer 的 Event 的等待时间顶多 5 秒 CnDebugFlushEventTime = 100; // 写队列后等待读取完成的时间顶多 0.1 秒 var FCnDebugger: TCnDebugger = nil; FFixedCalling: Cardinal = 0; {$IFDEF USE_JCL} FCSExcept: TRTLCriticalSection; {$ENDIF} function GetCPUPeriod: Int64; assembler; asm DB 0FH; DB 031H; end; procedure FixCallingCPUPeriod; var I: Integer; TestDesc: PCnTimeDesc; begin CnDebugger.Channel.Active := False; CnDebugger.FIgnoreViewer := True; for I := 1 to 1000 do begin CnDebugger.StartTimeMark('', ''); CnDebugger.StopTimeMark('', SCnTimeMarkStopped); end; CnDebugger.FIgnoreViewer := False; CnDebugger.FMessageCount := 0; CnDebugger.FPostedMessageCount := 0; CnDebugger.Channel.Active := True; TestDesc := CnDebugger.IndexOfTime(''); if TestDesc <> nil then FFixedCalling := TestDesc^.AccuTime div 1000; end; procedure ShowError(const AMsg: string); begin // MessageBox(0, PChar(AMsg), 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); end; // 移植自 uDbg procedure AddObjectToStringList(PropOwner: TObject; List: TStrings; Level: Integer); type TIntegerSet = set of 0..SizeOf(Integer) * 8 - 1; // see Classes.pas var PropIdx: Integer; PropertyList: ^TPropList; PropertyName: string; PropertyInfo: PPropInfo; PropertyType: PTypeInfo; PropertyKind: TTypeKind; BaseType: PTypeInfo; BaseData: PTypeData; GetProc: Pointer; OrdValue: Integer; FloatValue: Extended; N: Integer; Prefix: string; NewLine: string; EnumName: string; NextObject: TObject; FollowObject: Boolean; begin GetMem(PropertyList, SizeOf(TPropList)); try Prefix := StringOfChar(' ', 2 * Level); // Build list of published properties FillChar(PropertyList^[0], SizeOf(TPropList), #00); GetPropList(PropOwner.ClassInfo, tkProperties - [tkArray, tkRecord, tkInterface], @PropertyList^[0]); // Process property list PropIdx := 0; while ((PropIdx < High(PropertyList^)) and (nil <> PropertyList^[PropIdx])) do begin // Get information about found properties PropertyInfo := PropertyList^[PropIdx]; PropertyType := PropertyInfo^.PropType^; PropertyKind := PropertyType^.Kind; PropertyName := PropertyInfo^.Name; // Write only property GetProc := PropertyInfo^.GetProc; if not Assigned(GetProc) then begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = <' + PropertyType^.Name + '> (can''t be read)'; List.Add(NewLine); end else begin case PropertyKind of tkSet: begin BaseType := GetTypeData(PropertyType)^.CompType^; BaseData := GetTypeData(BaseType); OrdValue := GetOrdProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); NewLine := Prefix + '+ ' + PropertyName + ' = [' + BaseType^.Name + ']'; List.Add(NewLine); for N := BaseData^.MinValue to BaseData^.MaxValue do begin EnumName := GetEnumName(BaseType, N); if EnumName = '' then Break; NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + EnumName; if N in TIntegerSet(OrdValue) then NewLine := NewLine + ' = True' else NewLine := NewLine + ' = False'; List.Add(NewLine); end; end; tkInteger: begin OrdValue := GetOrdProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + IntToStr(OrdValue); List.Add(NewLine); end; tkChar: begin OrdValue := GetOrdProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + '#$' + IntToHex(OrdValue, 2); List.Add(NewLine); end; tkWChar: begin OrdValue := GetOrdProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = #$' + IntToHex(OrdValue, 4); List.Add(NewLine); end; tkClass: begin OrdValue := GetOrdProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); if OrdValue = 0 then begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = <' + PropertyType^.Name + '> (not assigned)'; List.Add(NewLine); end else begin NextObject := TObject(OrdValue); NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = <' + PropertyType^.Name + '>'; if NextObject is TComponent then begin FollowObject := False; NewLine := NewLine + ': ' + TComponent(NextObject).Name end else begin FollowObject := True; NewLine[Succ(Length(Prefix))] := '*'; end; List.Add(NewLine); if FollowObject then begin try AddObjectToStringList(NextObject, List, Level + 1); except List.Add('*** Exception triggered ***'); end; end; end; end; tkFloat: begin FloatValue := GetFloatProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + FormatFloat('n', FloatValue); List.Add(NewLine); end; tkEnumeration: begin OrdValue := GetOrdProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + GetEnumName(PropertyType, OrdValue); List.Add(NewLine); end; tkLString: begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + '''' + GetStrProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo) + ''''; List.Add(NewLine); end; tkWString: begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + '''' + GetStrProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo) + ''''; List.Add(NewLine); end; tkString: begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + '''' + GetStrProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo) + ''''; List.Add(NewLine); end; tkVariant: begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = ' + GetVariantProp(PropOwner, PropertyInfo); List.Add(NewLine); end; tkMethod: begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = (' + GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TMethodKind), Ord(GetTypeData(PropertyType)^.MethodKind)) + ')'; List.Add(NewLine); end; else begin NewLine := Prefix + ' ' + PropertyName + ' = <' + PropertyType^.Name + '> (' + GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTypeKind), Ord(PropertyKind)) + ')'; List.Add(NewLine); end; end end; // Next item in the property list Inc(PropIdx); end; NewLine := ''; finally if NewLine <> '' then List.Add(NewLine); FreeMem(PropertyList); end; end; procedure CollectionToStringList(Collection: TCollection; AList: TStrings); var I: Integer; begin if (AList = nil) or (Collection = nil) then Exit; AList.Add('Collection: $' + IntToHex(Integer(Collection), 2) + ' ' + Collection.ClassName); AList.Add(' Count = ' + IntToStr(Collection.Count)); for I := 0 to Collection.Count - 1 do begin AList.Add(''); AList.Add(' object: ' + Collection.Items[I].ClassName); AList.Add(' Index = ' + IntToStr(I)); AddObjectToStringList(Collection.Items[I], AList, 1); AList.Add(' end'); end; AList.Add('end'); end; function CnDebugger: TCnDebugger; begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} if FCnDebugger = nil then FCnDebugger := TCnDebugger.Create; Result := FCnDebugger; {$ELSE} Result := nil; {$ENDIF} end; { TCnDebugger } procedure TCnDebugger.AddFilterExceptClass(E: ExceptClass); begin FExceptFilter.Add(E.ClassName); end; procedure TCnDebugger.AddFilterExceptClass(const EClassName: string); begin FExceptFilter.Add(EClassName); end; function TCnDebugger.AddTimeDesc(const ATag: string): PCnTimeDesc; var ADesc: PCnTimeDesc; Len: Integer; begin New(ADesc); FillChar(ADesc^, SizeOf(TCnTimeDesc), 0); Len := Length(ATag); if Len > CnMaxTagLength then Len := CnMaxTagLength; CopyMemory(@(ADesc^.Tag), PChar(ATag), Len); FTimes.Add(ADesc); Result := ADesc; end; function TCnDebugger.CheckEnabled: Boolean; begin Result := (Self <> nil) and FActive and (FChannel <> nil) and FChannel.Active; end; function TCnDebugger.CheckFiltered(const Tag: string; Level: Byte; AType: TCnMsgType): Boolean; begin Result := True; if FFilter.Enabled then begin Result := Level <= FFilter.Level; if Result then begin Result := (FFilter.MsgTypes = []) or (AType in FFilter.MsgTypes); if Result then Result := (FFilter.Tag = '') or ((UpperCase(Tag) = UpperCase(FFilter.Tag)) and (Length(Tag) <= CnMaxTagLength)); end; end; end; constructor TCnDebugger.Create; begin inherited; FAutoStart := True; // 是否有输出时自动启动 Viewer FIndentList := TList.Create; FThrdIDList := TList.Create; FTimes := TList.Create; FFilter := TCnDebugFilter.Create; FFilter.FLevel := CurrentLevel; {$IFDEF USE_JCL} FExceptTracking := True; FExceptFilter := TStringList.Create; FExceptFilter.Duplicates := dupIgnore; {$ENDIF} InitializeCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); CreateChannel; FActive := True; end; procedure TCnDebugger.CreateChannel; begin if CnDebugChannelClass <> nil then begin FChannel := TCnDebugChannel(CnDebugChannelClass.NewInstance); try FChannel.Create(True); // 此处控制是否自动 Flush except FChannel := nil; end; end; end; function TCnDebugger.DecIndent(ThrdID: DWORD): Integer; var Indent, Index: Integer; begin Index := FThrdIDList.IndexOf(Pointer(ThrdID)); if Index >= 0 then begin Indent := Integer(FIndentList.Items[Index]); if Indent > 0 then Dec(Indent); FIndentList.Items[Index] := Pointer(Indent); Result := Indent; end else begin EnterCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); FThrdIDList.Add(Pointer(ThrdID)); FIndentList.Add(nil); LeaveCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); Result := 0; end; end; destructor TCnDebugger.Destroy; var I: Integer; begin DeleteCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); FChannel.Free; FFilter.Free; for I := 0 to FTimes.Count - 1 do if FTimes[I] <> nil then Dispose(FTimes[I]); FExceptFilter.Free; FTimes.Free; FThrdIDList.Free; FIndentList.Free; inherited; end; function TCnDebugger.FormatMsg(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const): string; var I: Integer; begin try Result := Format(AFormat, Args); except // Format String Error. Result := 'Format Error! Format String: ' + AFormat + '. '; if Integer(High(Args)) >= 0 then begin Result := Result + #13#10'Hex Params:'; for I := Low(Args) to High(Args) do Result := Result + Format(' %8.8x', [Args[I].VInteger]); end; end; end; function TCnDebugger.GetActive: Boolean; begin Result := FActive; end; function TCnDebugger.GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID: DWORD): Integer; var Index: Integer; begin Index := FThrdIDList.IndexOf(Pointer(ThrdID)); if Index >= 0 then begin Result := Integer(FIndentList.Items[Index]); end else begin EnterCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); FThrdIDList.Add(Pointer(ThrdID)); FIndentList.Add(nil); LeaveCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); Result := 0; end; end; function TCnDebugger.GetExceptTracking: Boolean; begin Result := FExceptTracking; end; //Seekbirdy{+} function TCnDebugger.getFileName: TFileName; begin Result := FFileStream.FileName end; //Seekbirdy{-} function TCnDebugger.IncIndent(ThrdID: DWORD): Integer; var Indent, Index: Integer; begin Index := FThrdIDList.IndexOf(Pointer(ThrdID)); if Index >= 0 then begin Indent := Integer(FIndentList.Items[Index]); Inc(Indent); FIndentList.Items[Index] := Pointer(Indent); Result := Indent; end else begin EnterCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); FThrdIDList.Add(Pointer(ThrdID)); FIndentList.Add(Pointer(1)); LeaveCriticalSection(FCSThrdId); Result := 1; end; end; function TCnDebugger.IndexOfTime(const ATag: string): PCnTimeDesc; var I, Len: Integer; TmpTag: array[0..CnMaxTagLength - 1] of Char; begin Result := nil; FillChar(TmpTag, CnMaxTagLength, 0); Len := Length(ATag); if Len > CnMaxTagLength then Len := CnMaxTagLength; CopyMemory(@TmpTag, PChar(ATag), Len); for I := 0 to FTimes.Count - 1 do begin if FTimes[I] <> nil then begin if ((ATag = '') and (PCnTimeDesc(FTimes[I])^.Tag[0] = #0)) or CompareMem(@(PCnTimeDesc(FTimes[I])^.Tag), @TmpTag, CnMaxTagLength) then begin Result := PCnTimeDesc(FTimes[I]); Exit; end; end end; end; procedure TCnDebugger.InternalOutput(var Data; Size: Integer); begin if (FChannel = nil) or not FChannel.Active or not FChannel.CheckReady then Exit; if Size > 0 then begin FChannel.SendContent(Data, Size); Inc(FPostedMessageCount); end; end; procedure TCnDebugger.InternalOutputMsg(const AMsg: string; Size: Integer; const ATag: string; ALevel, AIndent: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType; ThreadID: DWORD; CPUPeriod: Int64); var TagLen, MsgLen: Integer; MsgDesc: TCnMsgDesc; begin if FAutoStart and not FIgnoreViewer and not FViewerAutoStartCalled then begin StartDebugViewer; FViewerAutoStartCalled := True; end; Inc(FMessageCount); if not CheckEnabled or not FChannel.CheckReady then Exit; if FChannel.CheckFilterChanged then FChannel.RefreshFilter(FFilter); if not CheckFiltered(ATag, ALevel, AType) then Exit; // 进行具体的组装工作 MsgLen := Size; if MsgLen > CnMaxMsgLength then MsgLen := CnMaxMsgLength; TagLen := Length(ATag); if TagLen > CnMaxTagLength then TagLen := CnMaxTagLength; FillChar(MsgDesc, SizeOf(MsgDesc), 0); MsgDesc.Annex.Level := ALevel; MsgDesc.Annex.Indent := AIndent; MsgDesc.Annex.ProcessId := GetCurrentProcessId; MsgDesc.Annex.ThreadId := ThreadID; MsgDesc.Annex.MsgType := Ord(AType); MsgDesc.Annex.TimeStampType := Ord(TimeStampType); case TimeStampType of ttDateTime: MsgDesc.Annex.MsgDateTime := Date + Time; ttTickCount: MsgDesc.Annex.MsgTickCount := GetTickCount; ttCPUPeriod: MsgDesc.Annex.MsgCPUPeriod := GetCPUPeriod; else MsgDesc.Annex.MsgCPUPeriod := 0; // 设为全 0 end; // TimeMarkStop 时所耗 CPU 时钟周期数 MsgDesc.Annex.MsgCPInterval := CPUPeriod; CopyMemory(@(MsgDesc.Annex.Tag), Pointer(ATag), TagLen); CopyMemory(@(MsgDesc.Msg), Pointer(AMsg), MsgLen); MsgLen := MsgLen + SizeOf(MsgDesc.Annex) + SizeOf(DWORD); MsgDesc.Length := MsgLen; InternalOutput(MsgDesc, MsgLen); //Seekbirdy{+} if FFileStream<>nil then FFileStream.Write(MsgDesc, MsgLen) //Seekbirdy{-} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogAssigned(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if Assigned(Value) then begin if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnAssigned + SCnDefAssignedMsg) else LogMsg(SCnAssigned + AMsg); end else begin if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnUnAssigned + SCnDefAssignedMsg) else LogMsg(SCnUnAssigned + AMsg); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogBoolean(Value: Boolean; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if Value then begin if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnBooleanTrue + SCnDefBooleanMsg) else LogMsg(SCnBooleanTrue + AMsg); end else begin if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnBooleanFalse + SCnDefBooleanMsg) else LogMsg(SCnBooleanFalse + AMsg); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogCollectionWithTag(ACollection: TCollection; const ATag: string); {$IFDEF DEBUG} var List: TStringList; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} List := nil; try List := TStringList.Create; try CollectionToStringList(ACollection, List); except List.Add(SCnObjException); end; LogMsgWithType(List.Text, cmtObject); finally List.Free; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogCollection(ACollection: TCollection); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogCollectionWithTag(ACollection, CurrentTag); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogColor(Color: TColor; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnColor + ColorToString(Color)) else LogFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, ColorToString(Color)]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogComponent(AComponent: TComponent); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogComponentWithTag(AComponent, CurrentTag); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogComponentWithTag(AComponent: TComponent; const ATag: string); {$IFDEF DEBUG} var InStream, OutStream: TMemoryStream; ThrdID: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} InStream := nil; OutStream := nil; try InStream := TMemoryStream.Create; OutStream := TMemoryStream.Create; if Assigned(AComponent) then begin InStream.WriteComponent(AComponent); InStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); ObjectBinaryToText(InStream, OutStream); ThrdID := GetCurrentThreadID; InternalOutputMsg(string(OutStream.Memory), OutStream.Size, ATag, CurrentLevel, GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID), cmtComponent, ThrdID, 0); end else LogMsgWithTypeTag(SCnNilComponent, cmtComponent, ATag); finally InStream.Free; OutStream.Free; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogEnter(const AProcName, ATag: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(SCnEnterProc + AProcName, ATag, CurrentLevel, cmtEnterProc); IncIndent(GetCurrentThreadId); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogFloat(Value: Extended; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnFloat + FloatToStr(Value)) else LogFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, FloatToStr(Value)]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogFmtWithLevel(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; ALevel: Integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, ALevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogFmtWithTag(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; const ATag: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), ATag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogFmtWithType(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; AType: TCnMsgType); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, AType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgError(const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtError); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWarning(const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtWarning); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogErrorFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtError); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogFull(const AMsg, ATag: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType; CPUPeriod: Int64 = 0); {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var ThrdID: DWORD; {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} if AMsg = '' then Exit; ThrdID := GetCurrentThreadID; InternalOutputMsg(AMsg, Length(AMsg), ATag, ALevel, GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID), AType, ThrdID, CPUPeriod); {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogInteger(Value: Integer; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnInteger + IntToStr(Value)) else LogFmt('%s %d', [AMsg, Value]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogChar(Value: Char; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogFmt(SCnCharFmt, [Value, Ord(Value), Ord(Value)]) else LogFmt('%s ''%s''(%d/$%2.2x)', [AMsg, Value, Ord(Value), Ord(Value)]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogDateTime(Value: TDateTime; const AMsg: string = '' ); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnDateTime + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz', Value)) else LogMsg(AMsg + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz', Value)); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogDateTimeFmt(Value: TDateTime; const AFmt: string; const AMsg: string = '' ); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnDateTime + FormatDateTime(AFmt, Value)) else LogMsg(AMsg + FormatDateTime(AFmt, Value)); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogPointer(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string = ''); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogFmt('%s $%p', [SCnPointer, Value]) else LogFmt('%s $%p', [AMsg, Value]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogLeave(const AProcName, ATag: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} DecIndent(GetCurrentThreadId); LogFull(SCnLeaveProc + AProcName, ATag, CurrentLevel, cmtLeaveProc); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMemDump(AMem: Pointer; Size: Integer); {$IFDEF DEBUG} var ThrdID: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} ThrdID := GetCurrentThreadID; InternalOutputMsg(string(AMem), Size, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID), cmtMemoryDump, ThrdID, 0); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogVirtualKey(AKey: Word); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogVirtualKeyWithTag(AKey, CurrentTag); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogVirtualKeyWithTag(AKey: Word; const ATag: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFmtWithTag(SCnVirtualKeyFmt, [AKey, AKey, VirtualKeyToString(AKey)], ATag); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsg(const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWithLevel(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, ALevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWithLevelType(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, ALevel, AType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWithTag(const AMsg, ATag: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, ATag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWithTagLevel(const AMsg, ATag: string; ALevel: Integer); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, ATag, ALevel, CurrentMsgType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWithType(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, AType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogMsgWithTypeTag(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType; const ATag: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull(AMsg, ATag, CurrentLevel, AType); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogLastError; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} TraceLastError; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogObject(AObject: TObject); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogObjectWithTag(AObject, CurrentTag); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogObjectWithTag(AObject: TObject; const ATag: string); {$IFDEF DEBUG} var List: TStringList; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} List := nil; try List := TStringList.Create; try AddObjectToStringList(AObject, List, 0); except List.Add(SCnObjException); end; LogMsgWithType('Object: $' + IntToHex(Integer(AObject), 2) + SCnCRLF + List.Text, cmtObject); finally List.Free; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogPoint(Point: TPoint; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnPoint + PointToString(Point)) else LogFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, PointToString(Point)]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogRect(Rect: TRect; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then LogMsg(SCnRect + RectToString(Rect)) else LogFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, RectToString(Rect)]); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogSeparator; begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} LogFull('-', CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtSeparator); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.LogStrings(Strings: TStrings; const AMsg: string); begin {$IFDEF DEBUG} if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(Strings.Text) else TraceMsg(AMsg + SCnCRLF + Strings.Text); {$ENDIF} end; function TCnDebugger.PointToString(APoint: TPoint): string; begin Result := '(' + IntToStr(APoint.x) + ',' + IntToStr(APoint.y) + ')'; end; function TCnDebugger.RectToString(ARect: TRect): string; begin Result := '(' + PointToString(ARect.TopLeft) + ',' + PointToString(ARect.BottomRight) + ')'; end; procedure TCnDebugger.RemoveFilterExceptClass(E: ExceptClass); var I: Integer; begin I := FExceptFilter.IndexOf(E.ClassName); if I >= 0 then FExceptFilter.Delete(I); end; procedure TCnDebugger.RemoveFilterExceptClass(const EClassName: string); var I: Integer; begin I := FExceptFilter.IndexOf(EClassName); if I >= 0 then FExceptFilter.Delete(I); end; procedure TCnDebugger.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin FActive := Value; end; procedure TCnDebugger.SetExceptTracking(const Value: Boolean); begin FExceptTracking := Value; end; //Seekbirdy{+} procedure TCnDebugger.setFileName(val: TFileName); begin try if FFileStream=nil then begin FFileStream := TFileStream.Create(val, fmCreate or fmOpenWrite, fmShareDenyNone); end; except FFileStream := nil end; end; //Seekbirdy{-} procedure TCnDebugger.StartDebugViewer; begin if FChannel <> nil then FChannel.StartDebugViewer; end; procedure TCnDebugger.StartTimeMark(const ATag, AMsg: string); {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var ADesc: PCnTimeDesc; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} // 根据 ATag 找是否存在以前的记录,不存在则新增 // if ATag = '' then Exit; ADesc := IndexOfTime(ATag); if ADesc = nil then ADesc := AddTimeDesc(ATag); if ADesc <> nil then begin // 不发记录,以降低误差,原理不详,惭愧 // if AMsg <> '' then // TraceFull(AMsg, ATag, DefLevel, mtTimeMarkStart) // else // TraceFull(SCnTimeMarkStarted, ATag, DefLevel, mtTimeMarkStart); // 最后记录当时的 CPU 周期 Inc(ADesc^.PassCount); ADesc^.StartTime := GetCPUPeriod; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.StartTimeMark(const ATag: Integer; const AMsg: string); begin StartTimeMark(Copy('#' + IntToStr(ATag), 1, CnMaxTagLength), AMsg); end; procedure TCnDebugger.StopTimeMark(const ATag, AMsg: string); {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var Period: Int64; ADesc: PCnTimeDesc; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} // 马上记录当时的 CPU 周期 Period := GetCPUPeriod; // if ATag = '' then Exit; ADesc := IndexOfTime(ATag); if ADesc <> nil then begin // 得到相应的旧记录,相减,并减去误差,作为记录发出去 Inc(ADesc^.AccuTime, Period - ADesc^.StartTime - FFixedCalling); if AMsg <> '' then TraceFull(AMsg, ATag, CurrentLevel, cmtTimeMarkStop, ADesc^.AccuTime) else TraceFull(SCnTimeMarkStopped, ATag, CurrentLevel, cmtTimeMarkStop, ADesc^.AccuTime); end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.StopTimeMark(const ATag: Integer; const AMsg: string); begin StopTimeMark(Copy('#' + IntToStr(ATag), 1, CnMaxTagLength), AMsg); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceAssigned(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string); begin if Assigned(Value) then begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnAssigned + SCnDefAssignedMsg) else TraceMsg(SCnAssigned + AMsg); end else begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnUnAssigned + SCnDefAssignedMsg) else TraceMsg(SCnUnAssigned + AMsg); end; end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceBoolean(Value: Boolean; const AMsg: string); begin if Value then begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnBooleanTrue + SCnDefBooleanMsg) else TraceMsg(SCnBooleanTrue + AMsg); end else begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnBooleanFalse + SCnDefBooleanMsg) else TraceMsg(SCnBooleanFalse + AMsg); end; end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceCollection(ACollection: TCollection); begin TraceCollectionWithTag(ACollection, CurrentTag); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceCollectionWithTag(ACollection: TCollection; const ATag: string); {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var List: TStringList; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} List := nil; try List := TStringList.Create; try CollectionToStringList(ACollection, List); except List.Add(SCnObjException); end; TraceMsgWithType(List.Text, cmtObject); finally List.Free; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceColor(Color: TColor; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnColor + ColorToString(Color)) else TraceFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, ColorToString(Color)]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceComponent(AComponent: TComponent); begin TraceComponentWithTag(AComponent, CurrentTag); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceComponentWithTag(AComponent: TComponent; const ATag: string); {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var InStream, OutStream: TMemoryStream; ThrdID: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} InStream := nil; OutStream := nil; try InStream := TMemoryStream.Create; OutStream := TMemoryStream.Create; if Assigned(AComponent) then begin InStream.WriteComponent(AComponent); InStream.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); ObjectBinaryToText(InStream, OutStream); ThrdID := GetCurrentThreadID; InternalOutputMsg(string(OutStream.Memory), OutStream.Size, ATag, CurrentLevel, GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID), cmtComponent, ThrdID, 0); end else TraceMsgWithTypeTag(SCnNilComponent, cmtComponent, ATag); finally InStream.Free; OutStream.Free; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceEnter(const AProcName, ATag: string); begin TraceFull(SCnEnterProc + AProcName, ATag, CurrentLevel, cmtEnterProc); IncIndent(GetCurrentThreadId); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceFloat(Value: Extended; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnFloat + FloatToStr(Value)) else TraceFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, FloatToStr(Value)]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); begin TraceFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceFmtWithLevel(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; ALevel: Integer); begin TraceFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, ALevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceFmtWithTag(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; const ATag: string); begin TraceFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), ATag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceFmtWithType(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const; AType: TCnMsgType); begin TraceFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, AType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceFull(const AMsg, ATag: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType; CPUPeriod: Int64 = 0); {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var ThrdID: DWORD; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} if AMsg = '' then Exit; ThrdID := GetCurrentThreadID; InternalOutputMsg(AMsg, Length(AMsg), ATag, ALevel, GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID), AType, ThrdID, CPUPeriod); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceInteger(Value: Integer; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnInteger + IntToStr(Value)) else TraceFmt('%s %d', [AMsg, Value]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceChar(Value: Char; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceFmt(SCnCharFmt, [Value, Ord(Value), Ord(Value)]) else TraceFmt('%s ''%s''(%d/$%2.2x)', [AMsg, Value, Ord(Value), Ord(Value)]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceDateTime(Value: TDateTime; const AMsg: string = '' ); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnDateTime + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz', Value)) else TraceMsg(AMsg + FormatDateTime('yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz', Value)); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceDateTimeFmt(Value: TDateTime; const AFmt: string; const AMsg: string = '' ); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnDateTime + FormatDateTime(AFmt, Value)) else TraceMsg(AMsg + FormatDateTime(AFmt, Value)); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TracePointer(Value: Pointer; const AMsg: string = ''); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceFmt('%s $%p', [SCnPointer, Value]) else TraceFmt('%s $%p', [AMsg, Value]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceLeave(const AProcName, ATag: string); begin DecIndent(GetCurrentThreadId); TraceFull(SCnLeaveProc + AProcName, ATag, CurrentLevel, cmtLeaveProc); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMemDump(AMem: Pointer; Size: Integer); var ThrdID: DWORD; begin ThrdID := GetCurrentThreadID; InternalOutputMsg(string(AMem), Size, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, GetCurrentIndent(ThrdID), cmtMemoryDump, ThrdID, 0); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceVirtualKey(AKey: Word); begin TraceVirtualKeyWithTag(AKey, CurrentTag); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceVirtualKeyWithTag(AKey: Word; const ATag: string); begin TraceFmtWithTag(SCnVirtualKeyFmt, [AKey, AKey, VirtualKeyToString(AKey)], ATag); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsg(const AMsg: string); begin TraceFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithLevel(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer); begin TraceFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, ALevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithLevelType(const AMsg: string; ALevel: Integer; AType: TCnMsgType); begin TraceFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, ALevel, AType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithTag(const AMsg, ATag: string); begin TraceFull(AMsg, ATag, CurrentLevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithTagLevel(const AMsg, ATag: string; ALevel: Integer); begin TraceFull(AMsg, ATag, ALevel, CurrentMsgType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithType(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType); begin TraceFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, AType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithTypeTag(const AMsg: string; AType: TCnMsgType; const ATag: string); begin TraceFull(AMsg, ATag, CurrentLevel, AType); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceObject(AObject: TObject); begin TraceObjectWithTag(AObject, CurrentTag); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceObjectWithTag(AObject: TObject; const ATag: string); {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} var List: TStringList; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} List := nil; try List := TStringList.Create; try AddObjectToStringList(AObject, List, 0); except List.Add(SCnObjException); end; TraceMsgWithType('Object: ' + IntToHex(Integer(AObject), 2) + SCnCRLF + List.Text, cmtObject); finally List.Free; end; {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.TracePoint(Point: TPoint; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnPoint + PointToString(Point)) else TraceFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, PointToString(Point)]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceRect(Rect: TRect; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(SCnRect + RectToString(Rect)) else TraceFmt('%s %s', [AMsg, RectToString(Rect)]); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceSeparator; begin TraceFull('-', CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtSeparator); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceStrings(Strings: TStrings; const AMsg: string); begin if AMsg = '' then TraceMsg(Strings.Text) else TraceMsg(AMsg + SCnCRLF + Strings.Text); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceErrorFmt(const AFormat: string; Args: array of const); begin TraceFull(FormatMsg(AFormat, Args), CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtError); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgError(const AMsg: string); begin TraceFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtError); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceMsgWarning(const AMsg: string); begin TraceFull(AMsg, CurrentTag, CurrentLevel, cmtWarning); end; procedure TCnDebugger.TraceLastError; var ErrNo: Integer; Buf: array[0..255] of Char; begin ErrNo := GetLastError; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, ErrNo, $400, Buf, 255, nil); if Buf = '' then StrCopy(PChar(@Buf), PChar(SCnUnknownError)); TraceErrorFmt(SCnLastErrorFmt, [ErrNo, Buf]); end; function TCnDebugger.GetDiscardedMessageCount: Integer; begin Result := FMessageCount - FPostedMessageCount; end; procedure TCnDebugger.EvaluateObject(AObject: TObject); begin {$IFDEF SUPPORT_EVALUATE} EvaluatePointer(AObject); {$ENDIF} end; procedure TCnDebugger.EvaluateObject(APointer: Pointer); begin {$IFDEF SUPPORT_EVALUATE} EvaluatePointer(APointer); {$ENDIF} end; function TCnDebugger.VirtualKeyToString(AKey: Word): string; begin case AKey of VK_LBUTTON: Result := 'VK_LBUTTON'; VK_RBUTTON: Result := 'VK_RBUTTON'; VK_CANCEL: Result := 'VK_CANCEL'; VK_MBUTTON: Result := 'VK_MBUTTON'; VK_BACK: Result := 'VK_BACK'; VK_TAB: Result := 'VK_TAB'; VK_CLEAR: Result := 'VK_CLEAR'; VK_RETURN: Result := 'VK_RETURN'; VK_SHIFT: Result := 'VK_SHIFT'; VK_CONTROL: Result := 'VK_CONTROL'; VK_MENU: Result := 'VK_MENU'; VK_PAUSE: Result := 'VK_PAUSE'; VK_CAPITAL: Result := 'VK_CAPITAL'; VK_KANA: Result := 'VK_KANA/VK_HANGUL'; VK_JUNJA: Result := 'VK_JUNJA'; VK_FINAL: Result := 'VK_FINAL'; VK_HANJA: Result := 'VK_HANJA/VK_KANJI'; VK_CONVERT: Result := 'VK_CONVERT'; VK_NONCONVERT: Result := 'VK_NONCONVERT'; VK_ACCEPT: Result := 'VK_ACCEPT'; VK_MODECHANGE: Result := 'VK_MODECHANGE'; VK_ESCAPE: Result := 'VK_ESCAPE'; VK_SPACE: Result := 'VK_SPACE'; VK_PRIOR: Result := 'VK_PRIOR'; VK_NEXT: Result := 'VK_NEXT'; VK_END: Result := 'VK_END'; VK_HOME: Result := 'VK_HOME'; VK_LEFT: Result := 'VK_LEFT'; VK_UP: Result := 'VK_UP'; VK_RIGHT: Result := 'VK_RIGHT'; VK_DOWN: Result := 'VK_DOWN'; VK_SELECT: Result := 'VK_SELECT'; VK_PRINT: Result := 'VK_PRINT'; VK_EXECUTE: Result := 'VK_EXECUTE'; VK_SNAPSHOT: Result := 'VK_SNAPSHOT'; VK_INSERT: Result := 'VK_INSERT'; VK_DELETE: Result := 'VK_DELETE'; VK_HELP: Result := 'VK_HELP'; Ord('0'): Result := 'VK_0'; Ord('1'): Result := 'VK_1'; Ord('2'): Result := 'VK_2'; Ord('3'): Result := 'VK_3'; Ord('4'): Result := 'VK_4'; Ord('5'): Result := 'VK_5'; Ord('6'): Result := 'VK_6'; Ord('7'): Result := 'VK_7'; Ord('8'): Result := 'VK_8'; Ord('9'): Result := 'VK_9'; Ord('A'): Result := 'VK_A'; Ord('B'): Result := 'VK_B'; Ord('C'): Result := 'VK_C'; Ord('D'): Result := 'VK_D'; Ord('E'): Result := 'VK_E'; Ord('F'): Result := 'VK_F'; Ord('G'): Result := 'VK_G'; Ord('H'): Result := 'VK_H'; Ord('I'): Result := 'VK_I'; Ord('J'): Result := 'VK_J'; Ord('K'): Result := 'VK_K'; Ord('L'): Result := 'VK_L'; Ord('M'): Result := 'VK_M'; Ord('N'): Result := 'VK_N'; Ord('O'): Result := 'VK_O'; Ord('P'): Result := 'VK_P'; Ord('Q'): Result := 'VK_Q'; Ord('R'): Result := 'VK_R'; Ord('S'): Result := 'VK_S'; Ord('T'): Result := 'VK_T'; Ord('U'): Result := 'VK_U'; Ord('V'): Result := 'VK_V'; Ord('W'): Result := 'VK_W'; Ord('X'): Result := 'VK_X'; Ord('Y'): Result := 'VK_Y'; Ord('Z'): Result := 'VK_Z'; VK_LWIN: Result := 'VK_LWIN'; VK_RWIN: Result := 'VK_RWIN'; VK_APPS: Result := 'VK_APPS'; VK_NUMPAD0: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD0'; VK_NUMPAD1: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD1'; VK_NUMPAD2: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD2'; VK_NUMPAD3: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD3'; VK_NUMPAD4: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD4'; VK_NUMPAD5: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD5'; VK_NUMPAD6: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD6'; VK_NUMPAD7: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD7'; VK_NUMPAD8: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD8'; VK_NUMPAD9: Result := 'VK_NUMPAD9'; VK_MULTIPLY: Result := 'VK_MULTIPLY'; VK_ADD: Result := 'VK_ADD'; VK_SEPARATOR: Result := 'VK_SEPARATOR'; VK_SUBTRACT: Result := 'VK_SUBTRACT'; VK_DECIMAL: Result := 'VK_DECIMAL'; VK_DIVIDE: Result := 'VK_DIVIDE'; VK_F1: Result := 'VK_F1'; VK_F2: Result := 'VK_F2'; VK_F3: Result := 'VK_F3'; VK_F4: Result := 'VK_F4'; VK_F5: Result := 'VK_F5'; VK_F6: Result := 'VK_F6'; VK_F7: Result := 'VK_F7'; VK_F8: Result := 'VK_F8'; VK_F9: Result := 'VK_F9'; VK_F10: Result := 'VK_F10'; VK_F11: Result := 'VK_F11'; VK_F12: Result := 'VK_F12'; VK_F13: Result := 'VK_F13'; VK_F14: Result := 'VK_F14'; VK_F15: Result := 'VK_F15'; VK_F16: Result := 'VK_F16'; VK_F17: Result := 'VK_F17'; VK_F18: Result := 'VK_F18'; VK_F19: Result := 'VK_F19'; VK_F20: Result := 'VK_F20'; VK_F21: Result := 'VK_F21'; VK_F22: Result := 'VK_F22'; VK_F23: Result := 'VK_F23'; VK_F24: Result := 'VK_F24'; VK_NUMLOCK: Result := 'VK_NUMLOCK'; VK_SCROLL: Result := 'VK_SCROLL'; VK_LSHIFT: Result := 'VK_LSHIFT'; VK_RSHIFT: Result := 'VK_RSHIFT'; VK_LCONTROL: Result := 'VK_LCONTROL'; VK_RCONTROL: Result := 'VK_RCONTROL'; VK_LMENU: Result := 'VK_LMENU'; VK_RMENU: Result := 'VK_RMENU'; 166: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_BACK'; 167: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_FORWARD'; 168: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_REFRESH'; 169: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_STOP'; 170: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_SEARCH'; 171: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_FAVORITES'; 172: Result := 'VK_BROWSER_HOME'; 173: Result := 'VK_VOLUME_MUTE'; 174: Result := 'VK_VOLUME_DOWN'; 175: Result := 'VK_VOLUME_UP'; 176: Result := 'VK_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK'; 177: Result := 'VK_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK'; 178: Result := 'VK_MEDIA_STOP'; 179: Result := 'VK_MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE'; 180: Result := 'VK_LAUNCH_MAIL'; 181: Result := 'VK_LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT'; 182: Result := 'VK_LAUNCH_APP1'; 183: Result := 'VK_LAUNCH_APP2'; 186: Result := 'VK_OEM_1'; 187: Result := 'VK_OEM_PLUS'; 188: Result := 'VK_OEM_COMMA'; 189: Result := 'VK_OEM_MINUS'; 190: Result := 'VK_OEM_PERIOD'; 191: Result := 'VK_OEM_2'; 192: Result := 'VK_OEM_3'; 219: Result := 'VK_OEM_4'; 220: Result := 'VK_OEM_5'; 221: Result := 'VK_OEM_6'; 222: Result := 'VK_OEM_7'; 223: Result := 'VK_OEM_8'; 226: Result := 'VK_OEM_102'; 231: Result := 'VK_PACKET'; VK_PROCESSKEY: Result := 'VK_PROCESSKEY'; VK_ATTN: Result := 'VK_ATTN'; VK_CRSEL: Result := 'VK_CRSEL'; VK_EXSEL: Result := 'VK_EXSEL'; VK_EREOF: Result := 'VK_EREOF'; VK_PLAY: Result := 'VK_PLAY'; VK_ZOOM: Result := 'VK_ZOOM'; VK_NONAME: Result := 'VK_NONAME'; VK_PA1: Result := 'VK_PA1'; VK_OEM_CLEAR: Result := 'VK_OEM_CLEAR'; else Result := 'VK_UNKNOWN'; end; end; { TCnDebugChannel } function TCnDebugChannel.CheckFilterChanged: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TCnDebugChannel.CheckReady: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; constructor TCnDebugChannel.Create(IsAutoFlush: Boolean); begin Active := True; FAutoFlush := IsAutoFlush; end; procedure TCnDebugChannel.RefreshFilter(Filter: TCnDebugFilter); begin // Do Nothing end; procedure TCnDebugChannel.SendContent(var MsgDesc; Size: Integer); begin // Do Nothing end; procedure TCnDebugChannel.SetActive(const Value: Boolean); begin FActive := Value; end; procedure TCnDebugChannel.SetAutoFlush(const Value: Boolean); begin if FAutoFlush <> Value then begin FAutoFlush := Value; UpdateFlush; end; end; procedure TCnDebugChannel.StartDebugViewer; begin // Do nothing end; procedure TCnDebugChannel.UpdateFlush; begin // Do nothing end; { TCnMapFileChannel } function TCnMapFileChannel.CheckFilterChanged: Boolean; var Header: PCnMapHeader; begin Result := False; if FMapHeader <> nil then begin Header := FMapHeader; Result := Header^.Filter.NeedRefresh <> 0; end; end; function TCnMapFileChannel.CheckReady: Boolean; begin Result := (FMap <> 0) and (FMapHeader <> nil) and (FQueueEvent <> 0); if not Result then begin FMap := OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE, False, PChar(SCnDebugMapName)); if FMap <> 0 then begin FMapHeader := MapViewOfFile(FMap, FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0); if FMapHeader <> nil then begin FQueueEvent := OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, False, PChar(SCnDebugQueueEventName)); if (FQueueEvent <> 0) then begin UpdateFlush; Result := IsInitedFromHeader; end; end; end; end else // 区域都有效 Result := PCnMapHeader(FMapHeader)^.MapEnabled = CnDebugMapEnabled; if not Result then DestroyHandles; end; constructor TCnMapFileChannel.Create(IsAutoFlush: Boolean = True); begin inherited; UpdateFlush; end; destructor TCnMapFileChannel.Destroy; begin DestroyHandles; inherited; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.DestroyHandles; begin if FQueueFlush <> 0 then begin CloseHandle(FQueueFlush); FQueueFlush := 0; end; if FQueueEvent <> 0 then begin CloseHandle(FQueueEvent); FQueueEvent := 0; end; if FMapHeader <> nil then begin UnmapViewOfFile(FMapHeader); FMapHeader := nil; end; if FMap <> 0 then begin CloseHandle(FMap); FMap := 0; end; end; function TCnMapFileChannel.IsInitedFromHeader: Boolean; var Header: PCnMapHeader; begin Result := False; if (FMap <> 0) and (FMapHeader <> nil) then begin Header := FMapHeader; FMsgBase := Pointer(Header^.DataOffset + Integer(FMapHeader)); FMapSize := Header^.MapSize; FQueueSize := FMapSize - Header^.DataOffset; Result := (Header^.MapEnabled = CnDebugMapEnabled) and CompareMem(@(Header^.MagicName), PChar(CnDebugMagicName), CnDebugMagicLength); end; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.LoadQueuePtr; var Header: PCnMapHeader; begin if (FMap <> 0) and (FMapHeader <> nil) then begin Header := FMapHeader; FFront := Header^.QueueFront; FTail := Header^.QueueTail; end; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.RefreshFilter(Filter: TCnDebugFilter); var Header: PCnMapHeader; TagArray: array[0..CnMaxTagLength] of Char; begin if (Filter <> nil) and (FMap <> 0) and (FMapHeader <> nil) then begin Header := FMapHeader; FillChar(TagArray, CnMaxTagLength + 1, 0); CopyMemory(@TagArray, @(Header^.Filter.Tag), CnMaxTagLength); Filter.Enabled := Header^.Filter.Enabled <> 0; Filter.Level := Header^.Filter.Level; Filter.Tag := TagArray; Filter.MsgTypes := Header^.Filter.MsgTypes; Header^.Filter.NeedRefresh := 0; end; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.SaveQueuePtr(SaveFront: Boolean = False); var Header: PCnMapHeader; begin if (FMap <> 0) and (FMapHeader <> nil) then begin Header := FMapHeader; Header^.QueueTail := FTail; if SaveFront then Header^.QueueFront := FFront; end; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.SendContent(var MsgDesc; Size: Integer); var Mutex: THandle; Res: DWORD; MsgLen, RestLen: Integer; IsFull: Boolean; MsgBuf : array[0..255] of Char; function BufferFull: Boolean; begin if FTail = FFront then // 空队列 Result := False else if FTail < FFront then // Tail 已经折返,Front 没有 Result := FTail + Size < FFront // 都未折返,Tail 比 FFront 大 else if FTail + Size < FQueueSize then // 新位置如不产生折返,则未满 Result := False else if (FTail + Size) mod FQueueSize < FFront then // 新位置折返但不超过 Front Result := False else Result := True; end; begin if Size > FQueueSize then Exit; // 从尾进,头由 Viewer 读出. Tail 一直前进,到尾折返 // 写完数据后,才置增加的 Tail,Tail 指向下一个空位置 IsFull := False; Mutex := OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS, False, PChar(SCnDebugQueueMutexName)); if Mutex <> 0 then begin Res := WaitForSingleObject(Mutex, CnDebugWaitingMutexTime); if (Res = WAIT_TIMEOUT) or (Res = WAIT_FAILED) then // 出错或对方不释放,没法子,撤 begin ShowError('Mutex Obtained Error.'); CloseHandle(Mutex); Exit; end; end else begin ShowError('Mutex Opened Error.'); DestroyHandles; Exit; // 无 Mutex 便不写 end; try LoadQueuePtr; if BufferFull then begin // 锁定并删队列头元素,直到有足够的空间来容纳本 Size 为止 IsFull := True; repeat MsgLen := PInteger(Integer(FMsgBase) + FFront)^; FFront := (FFront + MsgLen) mod FQueueSize; until not BufferFull; // 删完毕,进入写步骤 -- 以上可以考虑改成直接清空队列 end; // 先写数据再改指针 if FTail + Size < FQueueSize then CopyMemory(Pointer(Integer(FMsgBase) + FTail), @MsgDesc, Size) else begin RestLen := FQueueSize - FTail; if RestLen < SizeOf(Integer) then // 剩余空间不足以容纳信息头的 Length 字段 CopyMemory(Pointer(Integer(FMsgBase) + FTail), @MsgDesc, SizeOf(Integer)) // 强行复制,要求队列超出QueueSize外的尾部至少有 SizeOf(Integer)的空余缓冲 // 可不如此做,但会增加 Viewer 读取长度时的回溯困难 else CopyMemory(Pointer(Integer(FMsgBase) + FTail), @MsgDesc, RestLen); CopyMemory(FMsgBase, Pointer(Integer(@MsgDesc) + RestLen), Size - RestLen); end; Inc(FTail, Size); if FTail >= FQueueSize then FTail := FTail mod FQueueSize; SaveQueuePtr(IsFull); if Mutex <> 0 then begin ReleaseMutex(Mutex); CloseHandle(Mutex); end; SetEvent(FQueueEvent); if AutoFlush and (FQueueFlush <> 0) then begin Res := WaitForSingleObject(FQueueFlush, CnDebugFlushEventTime); if Res = WAIT_FAILED then begin Res := GetLastError; // 处理出错情况, 5 是拒绝访问。 FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM, nil, Res, LANG_NEUTRAL or (SUBLANG_DEFAULT shl 10), // Default language PChar(@MsgBuf), Sizeof(MsgBuf)-1, nil); ShowError(MsgBuf); end; end; except DestroyHandles; end; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.StartDebugViewer; const SCnDebugViewerExeName = 'CnDebugViewer.exe -a '; var hStarting: THandle; Reg: TRegistry; ViewerExe: string; begin ViewerExe := ''; Reg := TRegistry.Create; try Reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; if Reg.OpenKey('\Software\CnPack\CnDebug', False) then ViewerExe := Reg.ReadString('CnDebugViewer'); finally Reg.CloseKey; Reg.Free; end; // 加上调用参数 if ViewerExe <> '' then ViewerExe := ViewerExe + ' -a ' else ViewerExe := SCnDebugViewerExeName; hStarting := CreateEvent(nil, False, False, PChar(SCnDebugStartEventName)); if 31 < WinExec(PChar(ViewerExe + IntToStr(GetCurrentProcessId)), SW_SHOW) then // 成功创建,等待 begin if hStarting <> 0 then begin WaitForSingleObject(hStarting, CnDebugStartingEventTime); CloseHandle(hStarting); end; end; end; procedure TCnMapFileChannel.UpdateFlush; begin if AutoFlush then begin FQueueFlush := CreateEvent(nil, False, False, PChar(SCnDebugFlushEventName)); end else if FQueueFlush <> 0 then begin CloseHandle(FQueueFlush); FQueueFlush := 0; end; end; {$IFDEF USE_JCL} procedure ExceptNotifyProc(ExceptObj: TObject; ExceptAddr: Pointer; OSException: Boolean); var Strings: TStrings; begin if not FCnDebugger.Active or not FCnDebugger.ExceptTracking then Exit; EnterCriticalSection(FCSExcept); try if FCnDebugger.FExceptFilter.IndexOf(ExceptObj.ClassName) >= 0 then Exit; finally LeaveCriticalSection(FCSExcept); end; if OSException then FCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithType('OS Exceptions', cmtError) else with Exception(ExceptObj) do FCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithType(ClassName + ': ' + Message, cmtError); Strings := TStringList.Create; try JclLastExceptStackListToStrings(Strings, True, True, True); FCnDebugger.TraceMsgWithType('Exception call stack:' + SCnCRLF + Strings.Text, cmtException); finally Strings.Free; end; end; {$ENDIF} initialization {$IFNDEF NDEBUG} FCnDebugger := TCnDebugger.Create; FixCallingCPUPeriod; {$IFDEF USE_JCL} InitializeCriticalSection(FCSExcept); JclHookExceptions; JclAddExceptNotifier(ExceptNotifyProc); JclStartExceptionTracking; {$ENDIF} {$ELSE} CnDebugChannelClass := nil; // NDEBUG 环境下不创建 Channel {$ENDIF} finalization {$IFDEF USE_JCL} DeleteCriticalSection(FCSExcept); {$ENDIF} FreeAndNil(FCnDebugger); end.