CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » Function Clipboard history ????

2005-11-27 23:08 luciano_f
Function Clipboard history ????

I find cnPack a show lacks most that resource.
It to be very important to have a Clipboard history

Luciano France.

2005-12-2 09:10 zjy
Thank you for your suggestion!

Since this feature was in GExperts, so we would not to do the same thing.

But we provided another tool also. You can click "Collector" menu under "Code Editor Wizard" to display a dockable collector window. When the "Auto Paste" button is down, all text you copy to clipboard will append to current page automatically.

2012-8-6 18:34 rik
Pls how to save the "Auto Paste" state, so that the next Delphi start it remember last state ?


2012-8-22 15:29 Passion
:L The auto paste state not saved. we can add the save and load for this state in next version.

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