CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » Mysterious file appearing after installing Ver: Build 2010.05.01

2010-5-11 23:03 bkraul
Mysterious file appearing after installing Ver: Build 2010.05.01

This is not a critical bug, but I'm just wondering, ever since I installed Ver: Build 2010.05.01, a mysterious empty file keeps getting created in my project folder. The filename is simply "C". I keep deleting it, and as long as I have RAD Studio 2010 (with CnPack enabled0) running, it keeps coming back. I did not have this problem with previous versions of CnPack.


Any ideas?



2010-5-12 09:35 zjy
Thanks for your report!

We're checking this bug also.

2010-5-14 12:03 zjy
Please try the new build 572:


2010-5-28 06:04 bkraul
zjy, that seemed to do the trick. So far I see no more "C" file in my project folders. What was the issue? and will this fix be included in a "stable" version soon?

Thanks so much!

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