CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » Uses cleaner not working

2020-6-19 21:05 leobruno
Uses cleaner not working

I?m trying to run the uses cleaner on the project. (opt All Units in Current Project(3))<br />
The clean process starts to run, but after a few seconds, nothing happens.<br />
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It is a large project containig over 2900 units

Delphi 10.3.2 CNWizards last stable version (Ver: Build 2020.03.12)

[[i] Last edited by  leobruno at 2020-6-19 21:06 [/i]]

2020-6-19 22:40 leobruno
Searching this forum for a solution, i found this older post??<a href="" target="_blank"></a><br />
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It seems that the issue lies with the fact that the process is exceding the number of resources that the ide is able to handle.<br />
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Maybe a more efficient feature should be an option to process all files contained on the dpr file or files for all project group, but in groups of "N" files, in a way that the user specifies the number of files that sould be processed in a cue.<br />
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This used together with the option "Auto Save/Close Unopened Files" should automate the process in a way that the feature would work without any user interaction.<br />
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Without this, I?ll have to manually open almost 3k pas files in order for this feature to work.<br />
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This will be a handfull job.

[[i] Last edited by  leobruno at 2020-6-20 02:53 [/i]]

2020-6-28 14:37 Passion
Unfortunately, though we closed the opened files using "Auto Save/Close Unopened Files" option after processing, the resources of IDE seems are mostly still kept. And problems occurred like yours.

Now we do not have a good way to solve this, though using group of "N" paging mode, the resources of IDE still kept. :Q

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