CnPack Forum » 技术板块灌水区 » SkyJacker,what is your real name? Dennis Kjaer Christensen

2007-4-24 22:05 skyjacker
SkyJacker,what is your real name? Dennis Kjaer Christensen

今天给 《BasmForBeginner》的作者 Dennis Kjaer Christensen 写了一封信,寻求帮助。
很感谢,当天就得到了 Dennis Kjaer Christensen 的无私帮助。

不过令我意外的是,他不认为我的真实名字是 SkyJacker,郁闷。:L

我的蹩脚的 English Email 原文:

About the benchmark in BasmForBeginner

[indent]Dear, Dennis Christensen
I am SkyJacker,I need you help for  the benchmark in BasmForBeginner.
First,sorry my poor English.
I am a Chinese programmer, I'm translating your BasmForBeginner-en.doc to Chinese。
I called it BasmForBeginner-cn.doc :)
I have finished its draft, but I need the full function about the benchmark to understand your meaning.
like these:
Starttime, Endtime, Runtime : TDateTime;
I, LoopResult : Integer;
RunTimeSec, NoOfLoopsPerSec, NoOfLoops, ClockCount, LoopEnd2Float, LoopEndFloat, LoopStartFloat : Double;
Starttime := Time;
for I := 1 to LOOPEND2 do
   LoopResult := ForLoopNoLoopInverNoName(LOOPSTART, LOOPEND);
Endtime := Time;
Runtime := Endtime - Starttime;
CEdit.Text := IntToStr(LoopResult);
RuntimeEdit4.Text := TimeToStr(Runtime);
RunTimeSec := RunTime*24*60*60;
LoopEnd2Float := LOOPEND2;
LoopEndFloat := LOOPEND;
LoopStartFloat := LOOPSTART;
NoOfLoops := LoopEnd2Float * (LoopEndFloat - LoopStartFloat);
NoOfLoopsPerSec := NoOfLoops / RunTimeSec;
ClockCount := CLOCK / NoOfLoopsPerSec;
ClockCountEdit4.Text := FloatToStrf(ClockCount, ffFixed, 9, 1);
Can you provide the form version for me? suchs as .dfm,.pas and so on.
Thank you very much.
Best regards
Msn&Email: [][/email]
CnPack Team is made up of Chinese Programmers and Delphi / C++ Builder fans across the Internet.
It's an Open Source organizition.

Dennis Kjaer Christensen的回复(包括 benchmark source :lol:):


[font=Arial][size=2]What is your real name?[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]Have fun with the translation , it is a good idea. Have you seen that there is a russian translation too?[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]I have attached all the benchmark source files in a zip.[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]Feel free to ask any questions.[/size][/font]

[font=Arial][size=2]Let me know how you are progressing and what you think about the BasmForBeginners "book".[/size][/font]

Best regards
Dennis Kjaer Christensen

[[i] 本帖最后由 skyjacker 于 2007-4-24 22:31 编辑 [/i]]

2007-4-24 22:30 skyjacker
我不知道如何回答他的的 " what you think about the BasmForBeginners "book" ",
A、你认为 the BasmForBeginners "书" 如何?
B、你想将 BasmForBeginners "书" 用于什么目的、打算?

2007-4-24 22:48 Passion
SkyJacker is your nickname.



2007-4-24 23:17 skyjacker
Passion  (LiuXiao)  也与国际接轨啊 :lol:

老外是不是认为写 real name 比较有礼貌。

相反,如果一个老外,用 nick name 给我发送邮件,我是不会取问他或关心他的  real name的。

2007-4-25 08:40 Passion


2007-4-25 08:56 zzzl

2007-4-25 09:08 kendling

2007-4-25 09:45 Passion

—— HeMiaoYu (嗬,庙宇)


2007-4-25 10:59 skyjacker
“猛见一寺”将是我的又一个 nickname . :lol:

2007-4-25 12:49 kendling
:L 狂晕。。。

2007-4-26 12:25 zzzl

2007-4-28 21:52 lisa888

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