CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » Problems with CnScript API in Delphi XE2

2015-3-11 21:28 Starina
Problems with CnScript API in Delphi XE2


I have a problems while migrating old (Delphi 7) scripts to DelphiXE2.
Old   scripts   used  some  Tools  Api  functions  those have not work
correctly  at  DelphiXE2.  For  example, at Delphi 7 i have used IOTAProjectGroup method
GetProjectCount.   But  in  DelphiXE2  that  occurs  acess  violation.
Same with GetProject method. GetModuleCount of IOTAProject interface returns 0 always.
Now  i  am  using cnpack functions like CnOtaGetProjectCountFromGroup,
those is working well. Is that as planned, or is that a bug of CnPack?
Another  thing,  is  i  cant use function IsTextForm (it returns False

2015-3-13 16:25 Passion
Thanks for you report. Maybe it's a bug related to unicode IDE, I'll check it.

2015-3-20 14:05 Passion
Hi, we checked it. ToolsAPI changes a lot since D2007, our registration for ToolsAPI are incompatible so this error occurs.

We'll make the registration again in next version. but it needs some day.

2015-3-25 09:39 Passion
We fixed this problem in 703 nightly build version. Could you download and verify it ?


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