CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » XE2: Doubleclick on editor tab

2012-9-10 14:41 nico42
XE2: Doubleclick on editor tab


when I double-click an editor tab CnWizard will close the current tab if configured to do so.
However, the XE2-IDE will *always* maximize the editor window with the double click, even when CNWizards intercepts the click to close a tab, which is VERY annoying. In Delphi2010 this did not happen.
I've found no way to switch off this behavior in the IDE, so is it possible for CNWizards to "eat" the double click?

2012-9-22 16:37 shenloqi
I fixed it in Delphi XE2 and XE3, this fix will be included in next build.

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