CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » [bug] hotkeys for block operations doesn't work

2006-3-18 16:29 igorf
[bug] hotkeys for block operations doesn't work

it seems that [email][/email] doesn't receive my bug reports, so here you are:

Hotkeys for block operations (surround with try..except..end) doesn't work

Bug Details:
  Can Recur with a Probability of 100%.
  The bug can be reproduced on different machines.

1. Run Delphi 7 from Start Menu.
2. A Blank Project Created.
3. Select text...
4. Alt-Shift-E
5. Nothing
6. Other block operations hotkeys
7. Nothing

  OS: Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 3)
  CnWizards: CnWizards_D7.dll Ver: Build 2006.03.04
  IDE: ideD700 PRO
  ComCtl32: 5.81.4916.400

build 190 - same thing.

2006-7-15 08:53 Passion
Thank you for your support, we've received similar issues about the hotkey.
Could you please download our latest preview version to test it again?


From 193 we integrated some adjustment about the hotkey. Hope the problem resolved from this version.

2006-7-15 15:33 igorf
193+ is ok

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