CnPack Forum » CnWizards IDE Wizards » Startup speed improvements + AV bugfix

2006-2-11 19:19 AHUser
Startup speed improvements + AV bugfix

If you disable a package in the IDE that also unloads a runtime package, the interior procedures of TCnFormFloatPropBar.UpdateControls (CnFormEnhancements.pas) are called with AObj = nil what causes the code to raise access violations.
The bugfix in the attachment fixes this by adding an "if AObj = nil then Exit" to these procedures.

When I start Delphi and the splash screen has disappeared, it takes a lot of time until the IDE is ready for user interaction. Without CnWizards the IDE reacts immediatelly after the splash screen has disappeared. The problem is in TUnitNameList.UpdateCaseFromModules (CnInputSymbolList.pas). There all units in the list are searched by linear search. I have changed this to BinSearch and now it's a lot faster.

2006-2-12 19:25 zjy

Your patch has applied, you can download the 189 version for testing.

For the first problem, I modified CnOtaGetCurrDesignedForm funciton in CnWizUtils unit instead.

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